Monday Roundup

Monday Roundup

Photo by Sven Read on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • Federal News Network tells us,
    • “Close to 15,000 blue-collar federal employees working in trade, craft and manual labor jobs are likely to see their federal pay rates increase by as much as 12%, once a new proposed rule from the Office of Personnel Management becomes finalized.
    • “The proposed regulations, which OPM released on Monday, aim to improve overall pay parity for roughly 168,000 blue-collar federal workers who are paid hourly through the Federal Wage System (FWS). In practice, OPM’s proposal would align the map of FWS wage areas more closely with the General Schedule’s locality pay map.
    • “This would lead to greater equity across federal pay systems, with FWS workers’ pay more aligned with GS workers who work in the same geographic area,” OPM wrote in a press release Monday.
    • ‘As a result of the proposed re-mapping, around 15,000 blue-collar federal employees would begin receiving higher pay rates once OPM’s regulations become final — as long as there are no major changes to how the proposed regulations are currently written.”
  • and
    • “The Postal Service, more than three years into a 10-year reform plan, is seeking a higher borrowing limit with the Treasury Department to sustain its infrastructure upgrades.
    • ‘USPS, in an update to its “Delivering for America” plan last week, said its current $15 billion debt limit with Treasury was set in the 1970s, and has not been adjusted for inflation in decades.
    • “We continue to lack access to capital and credit markets that most in the private sector rely on in transformative situations like ours,” USPS wrote in a report last week.
    • “USPS is also calling on the Office of Personnel Management to reassess what it pays into the Civil Service Retirement System, the pension system for federal employees who began government service before 1987.”
  • Gallagher timely reminds us about ACA FAQ 63 which told us
  • The American Hospital Association News informs us,
    • “AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack Oct. 7 sent a letter to President Biden urging the Administration to take immediate actions to increase the supply of IV solutions for hospitals and other health care providers that are struggling with shortages following the closure of a Baxter manufacturing plant as a result of Hurricane Helene.  
    • “Our members are already reporting substantial shortages of these lifesaving and life-supporting products,” Pollack wrote. “Patients across America are already feeling this impact, which will only deepen in the coming days and weeks unless much more is done to alleviate the situation and minimize the impact on patient care.”  
    • “The letter includes a number of specific actions the AHA is asking the Administration to take to support hospitals’ ability to care for patients and communities. In addition, the AHA invited the White House and agency experts to join the association in a forum to communicate directly with hospitals and health systems to “inform each other in real time on the status of the situation while we work together to mitigate the impact on patients.” 
  • Fierce Healthcare offers a summary of HHS’s proposed 2026 notice of benefit and payment parameters for the ACA marketplace. The public comment deadline is November 12, 2024.

From the Food and Drug Administration front,

  • Per an FDA press release,
    • “Today [October 7], the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted marketing authorization for the Healgen Rapid Check COVID-19/Flu A&B Antigen Test. The test, authorized for use without a prescription, is for use by individuals experiencing respiratory symptoms and uses a nasal swab sample to deliver at-home results in approximately 15 minutes for COVID-19 and influenza (flu). The test detects proteins from both SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and influenza A and B (the viruses that causes flu).  
    • “This is the first over the counter (OTC) test that can detect influenza to be granted marketing authorization using a traditional premarket review pathway, which enables the test to be marketed in the absence of an applicable emergency use declaration. Other OTC flu/COVID tests are currently available under emergency use authorization.” 
  • Per MedTech Dive,
    • The Food and Drug Administration approved Exact Sciences’ Cologuard Plus colorectal cancer test, the company said Friday [October 4]
    • The product is an updated version of Exact Sciences’ existing stool-based cancer test. The company expects to launch the test, which has higher specificity than its predecessor, with Medicare coverage and guideline inclusion in 2025.
    • Exact Sciences recently failed to land a Medicare price premium for Cologuard Plus, but Leerink Partners and William Blair analysts expect one of the company’s subsequent attempts to succeed.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “The Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for the discovery of microRNA, molecules that help control how genes are expressed.
    • “Their findings unlocked new areas of research into the roles these molecules play in human health. Researchers are exploring microRNA treatments for cancer, heart disease and dementia.”
    • “Ruvkun and Ambros were giddy with excitement on Monday after learning of their Nobel honors.”
    • Kudos to the recipients.
  • and, on a different topic,
    • “Inflammaging, a chronic low-grade inflammation, is associated with an increased risk of heart attack, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other conditions. It occurs as we age, but some people develop it more than others.
    • “Chronic inflammation can be caused by cellular senescence, where damaged aging cells secrete inflammatory proteins. 
    • “Prevention and treatment measures include lifestyle changes such as exercise, healthy diet and adequate sleep.”
  • The American Medical Association lets us know eight things that doctors wish their patient knew about the flu vaccine.
  • Consumer Reports, writing in the Washington Post, fills us in on how to choose the right multivitamin for your body’s needs.
  • Per BioPharma Dive,
    • “An experimental, muscle-preserving therapy from Scholar Rock succeeded in a Phase 3 trial in spinal muscular atrophy, positioning the biotechnology company to seek approvals in the U.S. and Europe early next year.
    • “A regimen of Scholar Rock’s drug, apitegromab, and a standard SMA therapy significantly improved motor function after one year versus treatment with a typical SMA medicine and a placebo, the company said Monday. Specifically, a prespecified, pooled analysis showed children between 2 and 12 years old who received one of two tested doses had an average difference versus placebo of about a 1.8-point change from baseline on a scale used to evaluate their physical abilities.
    • “Motor function benefits were also observed in a smaller, exploratory group of 13- to 21-year-olds, according to the company. No new safety findings were reported, and no one dropped out of the trial due to side effects. “We believe these data collectively show that apitegromab has the potential to become part of a new standard of care,” CEO Jay Backstrom said on a conference call. Shares more than quadrupled in value Monday.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Per Fierce Healthcare,
    • “The healthcare industry is making the push toward greater adoption of value-based care, yet it’s not a secret that progress has been slow-moving.
    • “With that backdrop, UnitedHealth Group has released its latest “A Path Forward” report, which is a biennial look at progress in the shift to value. The paper includes dozens of policy recommendations that the team believes can accelerate that transformation.
    • “Wyatt Decker, M.D., UnitedHealth Group executive vice president and chief physician who’s leading the charge at the company on value-based care and innovation, told Fierce Healthcare in an interview that the U.S. healthcare system is extremely effective at addressing crises, complex patient conditions and end-stage needs. But it’s in prevention where “we really fall down,” he said.
    • “We don’t, by and large, have a system that focuses on keeping people healthy and well,” Decker said. “Most people wonder why their physician or their assistants don’t reach out when it’s time to get a screening and why they have so much trouble scheduling appointments, finding doctors, and, of course, figuring out how much it’s all going to cost.” 
  • and
    • “GenAI experimentation, research and potential use cases proliferate by the day. Like other industries, healthcare is hurrying to jump on the opportunity. A growing number of companies are creating genAI products to help organizations streamline their administrative workflows, simplify physician notetaking or respond to basic patient questions. But publicly available tools, like ChatGPT, are popular, easy to access and simple to use. If consumers are using them, are doctors, too?
    • “The answer, Fierce Healthcare finds, is yes. In the first in-depth look of its kind into physician use of public genAI tools, Fierce Healthcare spoke with nearly two dozen doctors, students, AI experts and regulators, and helped conduct a survey of more than 100 physicians. The reporting confirms that some doctors are turning to tools intended for non-clinical uses to make clinical decisions. With no standardized guidelines, lagging physician training and regulators racing to try to keep up with rapidly changing technology, guardrails to protect patients appear to be years behind current rates of utilization.
    • “You have an uncertain regulatory environment, you’ve got a march of technology and at the same time, you have an uptake by both consumers and healthcare professionals. And the consequences of that are very much uncertain,” Peter Bonis, M.D., chief medical officer at Wolters Kluwer, an information services company, told Fierce Healthcare.”

  • The FEHBlog learned a new use for the work “hallucination” today at the Texas Bar Association’s Health Law Conference. A generative AI mistake is a hallucination.
  • McKinsey and Company discuss “Advancing inclusive care pathways for people with disabilities. Across disease types, patients with disabilities experience inequities all along the care pathway—with consequently worse outcomes. Inclusive pathway designs and targeted interventions could help.”

Weekend Update

Photo by B VV on Unsplash

From Washington, DC

  • Congress is on the campaign trail until sometime after the national election on November 5.
  • The Supreme Court will hold its opening conference of its October term 2024 tomorrow. Among the cert petitions to be considered is the State of Oklahoma’s challenge to a 10th Circuit opinion holding that ERISA preempts an Oklahoma PBM reform law (No. 23-1213). That opinion is helpful to FEHB carriers. A Supreme Court decision to grant Oklahoma’s petition would be posted on FriCBS day October 4. A Supreme Court decision to deny Oklahoma’s petition or ask the Solicitor General for her views would be posted on Monday October 7.
  • MedCity News delves into the FTC’s recent administrative complaint against the big three PBMs’ handling of insulin pricing.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • CBS News reports that “Free COVID tests [from the federal government] are back. But there are more accurate tests for sale.”
  • Per NPR Shots,
    • “Three-dimensional imaging outperformed older digital mammography at reducing anxiety-producing callbacks for more breast cancer testing, a new study shows. The research, published this month in the journal Radiology also suggests the newer technology might find more worrisome cancers earlier during routine screenings.
    • “Lead author Dr. Liane Philpotts, a Yale School of Medicine radiology professor, hailed 3D mammography, also known as digital breast tomosynthesis or DBT, as “a win, win, win.”
    • “We have the benefit of a lower recall rate, or fewer false positives. We have increased cancer detection, and we have a lower rate of advanced cancers,” she said. “So it’s truly a game changer.” * * *
    • “Still, the new studyfails to definitively answer the question of whether newer, more expensive 3D mammography finds troublesome breast cancers earlier than 2D mammography, sparing women harsh treatment and saving lives, an accompanying editorial says.
    • “The verdict won’t come until 2030, at the conclusion of a large-scale randomized controlled trial comparing 3D to 2D mammography, according to the editorial written by two Korea University Guro Hospital radiology professors.
    • “Pending the 2030 trial results, the editorial concludes, the new study provides “indirect evidence suggesting the potential of DBT screening in improving survival outcomes.” 
  • Fortune Well asks us “Getting enough sleep but still exhausted? These 7 types of rest can help.”
  • The Washington Post lets us know,
    • “Suicide rates are lower in U.S. counties with more health insurance coverage and broadband internet access and higher income, a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis suggests.
    • “The report analyzed more than 49,000 suicide deaths in 2022 from the National Vital Statistics database. Researchers compared county suicide rates to the percent of residents with health insurance coverage, households with broadband access and households with income above the federal poverty level.
    • ‘The overall U.S. suicide rate in 2022 was 14.2 per 100,000 people, the CDC report said. Suicide rates were highest among non-Hispanic American Indians or Alaska Natives (27.1 per 100,000 population) and White people (17.6 per 100,000). The suicide rate for boys and men was nearly four times higher than for girls and women (23 per 100,000 for males vs. 5.9 per 100,000 for females). Rural residents and those ages 45 to 64 (19 per 100,000) and 24 to 44 (18.9 per 100,000) had the highest suicide rate, according to the CDC report.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • STAT News reports,
    • “Dr. Ralph de la Torre, a former heart surgeon who built and became the face of Steward Health Care and its network of neglected hospitals, is stepping down from the company Tuesday and will no longer serve as board chairman and chief executive, the company said in a statement to the Globe Saturday.
    • “With his affinity for luxury yachts and corporate jets, de la Torre became a symbol of greed in for-profit health care, amid mounting stories this year of patients harmed by shortages of staff and critical supplies at Steward hospitals. De la Torre is believed to hold a majority of shares in the private company, which was one of the nation’s largest for-profit, private health care systems, and is now being taken apart in bankruptcy proceedings.”
  • Per BioPharma Dive,
    • “The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi’s inflammatory disease drug Dupixent for a common lung condition. The decision could significantly expand use of what is already one of the industry’s best-selling medicines.
    • “Dupixent is now cleared for use as an add-on maintenance treatment for adults with a certain kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, that can’t be controlled with other medications.
    • “The decision makes Dupixent the first biologic medicine approved in the U.S. for COPD, a lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe and is typically treated with inhaled medicines. Regeneron estimates about 300,000 people in the U.S. have the specific type of COPD that would make them eligible for treatment with Dupixent, which is administered via injection under the skin.”
  • Per Healthcare Dive,
    • “When independent hospitals are acquired by multi-hospital health systems, they experience boosts to profitability and efficiency, according to a new study published in the Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics this week. 
    • “Acquired hospitals saw profitability increase by about $14 million per year, on increased consumer prices and cuts to nonclinical staff. 
    • “However, when corporate-owned hospitals are acquired by other health systems, they do not experience similar efficiency gains, the study found, suggesting there is likely a limit to how much consolidation can benefit hospital performance.”

Tuesday Tidbits

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

From Washington DC

  • Healthcare Dive informs us,
    • “The CMS rolled out several flexibilities on Tuesday that aim to help providers’ mounting financial challenges in the wake of the cyberattack against Change Healthcare.
    • “The agency instructed Medicare administrative contractors, who process claims for the government, to expedite provider requests to switch to new clearinghouses to get around the Change outage. CMS is also encouraging Medicare Advantage plans, Part D sponsors, and Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program managed care plans to relax prior authorization requirements or offer advance funding. 
    • “The agency said providers can submit requests for accelerated payment to their Medicare administrative contractors for individual consideration.”
  • Fierce Healthcare adds,
    • “Availity, another clearinghouse, is used by Humana and Elevance Health. Humana CEO Bruce Broussard said a lot of business is shifting from Change to Availity.
    • “Elevance Executive Vice President and CFO Mark Kaye noted they’ve noticed providers have been able to adapt in the days after the cyberattack.
    • “Today, we’re about down to a 10% reduction relative to normal daily volumes,” said Kaye. “Some providers are now submitting claims directly to Availity, while others have switched their clearinghouse.”
  • Axios tells us that in the wake of the CDC’s recent decision to treat Covid like other respiratory illnesses,
    • “The HHS’s free COVID test program was suspended because of the lowering case rates after the winter respiratory season, though the agency may resume it in the future as needed.
    • “Orders for free tests placed on or before Friday will be delivered, per HHS.” 
  • Per an HHS press release,
    • “The Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) jointly launched a cross-government public inquiry into private-equity and other corporations’ increasing control over health care.
    • “Private equity firms and other corporate owners are increasingly involved in health care system transactions and, at times, those transactions may lead to a maximizing of profits at the expense of quality care. The cross-government inquiry seeks to understand how certain health care market transactions may increase consolidation and generate profits for firms while threatening patients’ health, workers’ safety, quality of care and affordable health care for patients and taxpayers.
    • “The agencies issued a Request for Information – PDF (RFI) requesting public comment on deals conducted by health systems, private payers, private equity funds and other alternative asset managers that involve health care providers, facilities or ancillary products or services. The RFI also requests information on transactions that would not be reported to the Justice Department or FTC for antitrust review under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act.”
  • The Food and Drug Administration announced,
    • “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared for marketing the first over-the-counter (OTC) continuous glucose monitor (CGM). The Dexcom Stelo Glucose Biosensor System is an integrated CGM (iCGM) intended for anyone 18 years and older who does not use insulin, such as individuals with diabetes treating their condition with oral medications, or those without diabetes who want to better understand how diet and exercise may impact blood sugar levels. Importantly, this system is not for individuals with problematic hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) as the system is not designed to alert the user to this potentially dangerous condition. “
  • The Congressional Research Service issued an In Focus report about the Federal Employee Paid Parental Leave Benefit.
  • The U.S. Office of Personnel Management announced,
    • Today, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) welcomed its new class of next generation Artemis astronauts in a ceremony at the agency’s Johnson Space Center on Tuesday. The ten astronaut graduates are now eligible for flight assignments. The agencies also announced the opening for the next round of NASA astronaut applications.  

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The Washington Post reports,
    • “The mortality rate for U.S. women with breast cancer fell an estimated 58 percent from 1975 to 2019, according to research published in JAMA that credits the decline to advances in screening and treatments.
    • “Nearly half (47 percent) of the reduction was attributed to earlier and more effective treatment of those with Stage 1, 2 or 3 breast cancer. (With staging, generally the lower the number, the less the cancer has spread.)
    • “In addition, about 25 percent of the drop was attributed to improved mammography screening and about 29 percent to better treatment of metastatic breast cancer, meaning cancer that has spread.”
  • The Wall Street Journal points out,
    • Novo Nordisk’s blockbuster weight-loss drug cuts the risk of kidney disease-related events in diabetic patients by 24%, according to a new clinical trial conducted by the Danish pharmaceutical company.
    • “Headline results from a five-year study of Semaglutide, which is marketed as Ozempic to treat diabetes, show that diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease saw a statistically significant and superior reduction in kidney disease progression, major adverse cardiovascular events and death, it added.
    • “The announcement follows October’s decision to stop the trial, known as FLOW, early thanks to successful results.
    • “Last year, a separate trial of Novo Nordisk’s obesity drug Wegovy showed that it cuts the risk of heart attacks and strokes.”
  • The National Institutes of Health adds,
    • “A weekly injection of semaglutide was safe and reduced the amount of fat in the liver by 31% in people with HIV and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), according to a presentation today at the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Denver. This is the first clinical trial of semaglutide for MASLD in people with HIV. The research was sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and conducted in the United States and Brazil by ACTG, a global clinical trials network focused on HIV and other infectious diseases. ACTG is funded by NIAID and collaborating NIH institutes. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston also contributed funding for this study.
    • “Previously known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, MASLD is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the liver that is not caused by alcohol consumption or viral hepatitis. Over time, fat deposits may cause inflammation and cellular damage, and can result in cardiovascular and liver disease. MASLD also is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic disorders. It is the most common cause of chronic liver disease in the United States, and a leading reason for liver transplantation. An estimated 30-40% of people with HIV experience MASLD, slightly higher than the average among people without HIV.Semaglutide is an antidiabetic medication approved for use for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and an anti-obesity medication used for long-term weight management.”
  • Medscape relates,
    • “A new and deceptively simple advance in chronic stroke treatment could be a vibrating glove.
    • “Researchers at Stanford University and Georgia Tech have developed a wearable device that straps around the wrist and hand, delivering subtle vibrations (akin to a vibrating cellphone) that may relieve spasticity as well as or better than the standard Botox injections.
    • “The vibro-tactile stimulation can be used at home, and we’re hoping it can be relatively low cost,” said senior study author Allison Okamura, PhD, a mechanical engineer at Stanford University, Stanford, California.
    • “For now, the device is available only to clinical trial patients. But the researchers hope to get the glove into — or rather onto — more patients’ hands within a few years. A recent grant from the National Science Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator program could help pave the way to a commercial product. The team also hopes to expand access in the meantime through larger clinical trials with patients in additional locations.”
  • The New York Times reports,
    • “Determining whether someone has Alzheimer’s disease usually requires an extended diagnostic process. A doctor takes a patient’s medical history, discusses symptoms, administers verbal and visual cognitive tests.
    • “The patient may undergo a PET scan, an M.R.I. or a spinal tap — tests that detect the presence of two proteins in the brain, amyloid plaques and tau tangles, both associated with Alzheimer’s.
    • “All of that could change dramatically if new criteria proposed by an Alzheimer’s Association working group are widely adopted.
    • “Its final recommendations, expected later this year, will accelerate a shift that is already underway: from defining the disease by symptoms and behavior to defining it purely biologically — with biomarkers, substances in the body that indicate disease.
    • “The draft guidelines, Revised Criteria for Diagnosis and Staging of Alzheimer’s Disease, call for a simpler approach. That could mean a blood test to indicate the presence of amyloid. Such tests are already available in some clinics and doctors’ offices.”
    • “Someone who has biomarker evidence of amyloid in the brain has the disease, whether they’re symptomatic or not,” said Dr. Clifford R. Jack Jr., the chair of the working group and an Alzheimer’s researcher at the Mayo Clinic.
    • “The pathology exists for years before symptom onset,” he added. “That’s the science. It’s irrefutable.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Becker’s Hospital Review lets us know,
    • “Danville, Pa.-based Geisinger appointed Terry Gilliland, MD, as the next president and CEO of Geisinger Health.
    • “Dr. Gilliland will succeed Jaewon Ryu, MD, JD, after he transitions to CEO of Risant Health, a nonprofit organization created by Kaiser Foundation Hospitals. Oakland, Calf.-based Kaiser Permanente agreed to acquire Geisinger last year as the first health system to join Risant, and the deal is waiting on regulatory approval.
    • “Geisinger’s board conducted an extensive search for Dr. Ryu’s successor.
    • “The role of leading Geisinger is unique,” said Heather Acker, chair of the Geisinger board of directors, in a news release. “It requires passion for our mission–to make better health easier for our patients and members across Pennsylvania; a drive to innovate care delivery; and a commitment to educating future caregivers. We are confident that Dr. Gilliland is the right person to lead Geisinger on our path forward.”
  • According to Fierce Healthcare,
    • “Insurance network coverage dramatically impacts whether a person remains in treatment for opioid use disorder, according to results shared by treatment provider Ophelia.
    • “A new study finds that nearly three-quarters (72.3%) of patients receiving opioid treatment through network insurance stayed in treatment for at least six months. Patients received telehealth treatment from Ophelia.”
  • Bloomberg reports,
    • “The US Department of Labor’s new worker classification rule is facing at least four lawsuits alleging the regulation is illegal, with less than a week before the new policy is set to go into effect.
    • “Freelance writers, a trucking company, and groups representing construction, financial services, and tech companies have filed four separate legal challenges in federal district court in Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Louisiana contending the new standard, which will make it harder for businesses to use independent contractors, violates the Administrative Procedure Act and departs from the text of the Fair Labor Standards Act. 
    • “The growing pile of lawsuits threatens to disrupt the Biden administration’s implementation of the new rule due to take effect March 11. The DOL says the regulatory update will better protect workers from misclassification, but the business community warns it could have major consequences for industries that rely on independent contractors to operate their services—like Uber Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc., as well as the trucking, construction, and other sectors. 
    • “And the multi-district nature of the litigation also could lead to splits among the district and appellate courts, inviting potential US Supreme Court review.” 

Monday Roundup

Photo by Sven Read on Unsplash

From Washington, DC

  • American Hospital Association (“AHA”) News tells us
    • The House and Senate Appropriations Committees March 3 released a package of six appropriations bills that would fund certain federal agencies through fiscal year 2024 and contains certain health care provisions of interest to hospitals. The House is expected to consider the legislation by March 6 and the Senate later this week.  
    • The health care provisions would eliminate Medicaid disproportionate share hospital cuts for FY 2024 and delay FY 2025 DSH cuts to Jan. 1, 2025; extend the Medicare-dependent hospital and enhanced low-volume hospital programs through December 2024; reduce a 3.34% physician payment cut that began Jan. 1; and extend the Community Health Centers, National Health Service Corps, and Teaching Health Centers Graduate Medical Education programs through December.
  • Govexec points out the eight biggest agency and program reforms in this package.
  • STAT News informs us that a “small group of policymakers and business people” spoke out against the three big prescription benefit manager at today’s White House listening session.
    • “The big three [pharmacy benefit managers] are everything wrong with this industry,” said Mark Cuban, who co-founded the Cost Plus Drug Company and is trying to cut out the middlemen with a website that sells mostly generic medicines directly to consumers. As part of the effort, his company is also working with smaller pharmacy benefit managers that do not rely on fees in hopes of appealing to employers.
    • “Along with Cuban, the session also featured remarks from Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear who, as the state’s attorney general, investigated pharmacy benefit managers; Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan, who is currently probing these companies; and Sandra Clarke, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Blue Shield of California, which is pursuing a new pharmacy model.”
  • The FEHBlog does not understand why the White House does not also listen to the PBMs and their supporters. Perhaps that will be the next listening session.
  • Per an HHS press release,
    • “The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), announced today that all manufacturers participating in the first cycle of Medicare drug price negotiations have responded with counteroffers. This news comes after HHS sent initial offers on February 1, as the agency was empowered to do by President Biden’s lower cost prescription drug law, the Inflation Reduction Act. This law is a cornerstone of the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to lower prescription drug costs. * * *
    • “The recently launched website is a resource to help people with Medicare understand how the Inflation Reduction Act may help lower their out-of-pocket drug costs. As part of that effort, today, HHS added 50 state-by-state infographics plus DC and Puerto Rico that are accessible on by clicking on the interactive map. These new, plain language infographics are meant to assist with continuing education and outreach on the new benefits made available through the Inflation Reduction Act.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review reports,
    • “ report from Feb. 29 found that just 689 (34.5%) of 2,000 hospitals it examined were fully compliant with federal price transparency rules. 
    • “That is down from 721 (36%) that were found to be fully compliant from the organization’s last report, released in July.” 

From the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) front,

  • The AHA News relates,
    • “The Food and Drug Administration recently granted emergency use authorization for the first over-the-counter home antigen test to detect both flu and COVID-19. The OSOM Flu SARS-CoV-2 Combo Home Test is authorized for use to detect and differentiate influenza A and B and SARS-CoV-2 in nasal swab specimens from people aged 14 and older when conducted at least twice over three days with at least 48 hours between tests. 
    • “In other news, the FDA last week recommended health care providers monitor patients with the Hintermann Series H3 Total Ankle Replacement system for potential device failure, and patients with certain implantable BioZorb breast tissue markers for potential serious complications.” 
  • eMPR notes,
    • “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Rybrevant (amivantamab-vmjw) in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed for the first-line treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) exon 20 insertion mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test.”

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The New York Times reports,
    • “Alcohol-related liver disease is the leading cause of death from excessive drinking — and while it’s curable in the earliest stages, many people don’t realize they have it until it’s too late to reverse.
    • “Annual deaths caused by the disease are on the rise in the United States, having climbed 39 percent in recent years, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Death rates are highest in men and adults aged 50 to 64, though they are increasing more quickly among women and younger adults.
    • “People who are drinking are drinking more heavily than they were before, so I think that is the biggest factor,” said Dr. Jessica Mellinger, an assistant professor of gastroenterology and hepatology at the University of Michigan Medical School. And, she added, “we’re seeing that for the first time in this country, women are drinking as much as men.”
  • The American Medical Association tells us what doctors wish their patients knew about nutrition, which encourages patients to limit alcoholic beverage intake.
  • STAT News lets us know,
    • “Having Covid-19 increases a person’s risk of developing an autoimmune disease in the year after infection, a large study out of South Korea and Japan reports, but vaccination helps decrease that risk.
    • “Researchers used the medical records of 10 million Korean and 12 million Japanese adults to see whether those who had Covid were more likely to be diagnosed with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases, or AIRDs, in the year following infection. AIRDs include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, mixed connective tissue disease, vasculitis, and other conditions. The Covid group was compared with an uninfected control group and a group of patients who had influenza during the same period from 2020 to 2022.”
  • The National Institutes of Health Director, in her blog, relates,
    • “We’re living in an especially promising time for biomedical discovery and advances in the delivery of data-driven health care for everyone. A key part of this is the tremendous progress made in applying artificial intelligence to study human health and ultimately improve clinical care in many important and sometimes surprising ways. One new example of this comes from a fascinating study, supported in part by NIH, that uses AI approaches to reveal meaningful sex differences in the way the brain works.
    • “As reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers led by Vinod Menon  at Stanford Medicine, Stanford, CA, have built an AI model that can—nine times out of ten—tell whether the brain in question belongs to a female or male based on scans of brain activity alone. These findings not only help resolve long-term debates about whether reliable differences between sexes exist in the human brain, but they’re also a step toward improving our understanding of why some psychiatric and neurological disorders affect women and men differently.”
  • Per BioPharma Dive,
    • “The effects of an experimental medicine for a common liver disease strengthened with time in a clinical trial, giving the drug’s developer, Akero Therapeutics, a chance to rebound from a setback last year.
    • “Akero previously said the trial hit its main goal. After six months of treatment, 39% of patients with metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis on a low dose of the drug and 41% on a high dose had a meaningful reduction in liver scarring and no worsening of their disease, versus 20% of placebo recipients. New results disclosed Monday show that 75% of those on a high dose and 46% on a low dose hit that mark after two years, compared to 24% of placebo patients.
    • “The most common side effects associated with treatment were mild-to-moderate cases of diarrhea, nausea and increased appetite. The 15 serious adverse events reported were “generally balanced across dose groups,” though Akero didn’t provide specifics. Three patients on the high dose stopped treatment.”

From the U.S. public health front,

  • CNBC and Fierce Healthcare bring us to date on the Change Healthcare situation. Of note,
    • “As a growing number of groups put pressure on the administration, the White House is reportedly considering short-term financial relief to support hospitals navigating the fallout of the cyberattack against Change Healthcare.
    • “The news was first reported by Politico and attributed to an anonymous senior administration official. In a series of recent meetings at the deputy level, the White House’s National Security Council reportedly discussed options that would not require support from Congress. Instead, it is exploring ways to tap into funding programs overseen by Health and Human Services, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Department of Veterans Affairs to support healthcare organizations.
    • “This cashflow issue has been at the forefront since the beginning of last week for us,” the senior administration official told Politico. The agency is also reportedly pushing UnitedHealth Group to provide more transparency about when it can restore Change systems.
    • “The Biden administration is also considering whether to declare the hack a “significant cyber incident,” a rarely used designation that would trigger a special crisis management playbook, according to media reports.”
  • The Wall Street Journal adds these tidbits about the impending launch of Perigo’s over the counter female contraceptive pill called Opill.
    • “Dublin-based Perrigo has shipped its Opill to major U.S. retailers and expects it to be widely available by the end of the month. The company said it would sell a one-month pack for $19.99 and a three-month pack for $49.99.
    • Opill, which uses the hormone progestin to suppress ovulation, was shown to be 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used as directed, beating out other over-the-counter methods such as condoms and spermicide. Other prescription methods that require a doctor’s visit, such as intrauterine devices, are more effective. * * *
    • “The drugmaker wouldn’t confirm which stores will carry its product, but said all major retailers and online marketplaces would sell it. Pharmacy giant Walgreens is advertising the pill as “coming soon” on its website.
    • “Perrigo will also sell its product on its website, including a six-month pack for $89.99. The company said it would ship the pills in discreet packaging to online buyers.”
  • Becker’s Hospital Review identifies twelve U.S. health systems with strong finances.
  • The FEHBlog tried to keep readers abreast of noteworthy business announcement from last week’s VIVE conference. MedCity News helpfully lists nine of them.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Following this post, The FEHBlog will reappear on Saturday for Cybersecurity Saturday. The FEHBlog wishes his readers a Happy Thanksgiving.

From Washington DC

  • Thanks to Bloomberg, the FEHBlog learned about this Congressional Research Service report on FY 2024 USPS Appropriations. To wit,
    • “On September 30, 2023, Congress passed the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act (H.R. 5860; P.L. 118-15), which provides continuing FY2024 appropriations to federal agencies through November 17,
    • “Section 126 of the act increases the rate of funding for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to approximately $219.1 million, which is about $28.3 million above its FY2023 funding.
    • “The additional OPM funding is provided for the implementation of the Postal Service Health Benefits Program (PSHBP), a new health benefit program for eligible postal employees and retirees. Under the PSRA, OPM is required to establish and administer the PSHBP.”
  • FEHBlog note — The Postal Service also is on the financial hook for funding implementation of the PSHBP.
  • STAT News reports,
    • “Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), on Tuesday mounted a public pressure campaign to get the executives of Merck, Johnson & Johnson, and Bristol Myers Squibb to testify in a January hearing on why the United States pays more for prescription drugs than other countries.
    • “All three companies have sued the Biden administration over the new Medicare drug price negotiation that congressional Democrats passed last year. Bristol Myers Squibb’s blood thinner Eliquis; Johnson & Johnson’s blood thinner Xarelto, anti-inflammatory medicine Stelara, and blood cancer treatment Imbruvica; and Merck’s diabetes drug Januvia were selected as part of the first 10 drugs to go through the negotiation process.
    • “It’s unclear whether the executives will agree to testify at the hearing, which is titled “Why “Does the United States Pay, By Far, The Highest Prices In The World For Prescription Drugs?” Sanders also put out a fundraising email just before the letter was announced, with the subject line: “The greed of the pharmaceutical industry is out of control.” It featured an op-ed he wrote for the Guardian Monday.”

In FEHB Open Season and federal retirement news,

  • Fedweek provides Reg Jones’ observations on FEHBP and Medicare Parts A and B. The Federal Times offers articles titled “A Procrastinator’s Checklist for Choosing Open Season Benefits” and “What’s driving rate hikes for federal employee health premiums?
  • The second Federal Times article is a topic that the FEHBlog follows throughout the year. In that regard, Mercer Consulting released the following survey findings last week:
    • “Mercer, a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), released the findings of its 2023 National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans, which found the average per-employee cost of employer-sponsored health insurance rose by 5.2% in 2023 to reach $15,797. * * *
    • “In 2022, cost rose by 3.2%, well below general inflation, which averaged 8% that year. Because healthcare providers typically have multi-year contracts with health plans, employers did not feel the full brunt of inflation last year. “Rather, inflation-driven cost increases are phasing in as contracts are renewed,” says Sunit Patel, Chief Health Actuary, Mercer. The survey shows employers project another sharp increase of 5.2% for 2024.
    • “It may take another couple of years for price increases stemming from higher healthcare sector wages and medical supply costs to be felt across all health plans,” Mr. Patel says.
    • “At the same time, inflation is only one factor behind this year’s higher cost increases. In 2023, spending on prescription drugs rose sharply. “While the effects of inflation may be relatively short-lived, new and ongoing developments in the pharmaceutical market seem likely to have a longer-term impact on health benefit cost.”
  • The Federal Times adds,
    • “Federal employees’ retirement applications take almost twice as long to process when they contain errors, leading to further delays in processing and dispensing annuities, according to a watchdog report published Monday.
    • “The Office of Personnel Management’s inspector general found that “healthy” application packages took on average 53 days to process, and “unhealthy” ones containing errors took more than 108 days, according to a random sample of applications the inspector general studied.
    • “That discrepancy needs be reflected in the data OPM reports monthly to accurately monitor whether retirement processing is improving, the IG report said.
    • “The lack of transparency for healthy versus unhealthy ‘incomplete’ application packages limits the quality of information being provided to external parties as the main cause for why Retirement Services has not met its goal for processing retirement application packages within 60 days,” according to the report.”

From the public health and medical research front,

  • Beckers Clinical Leadership tells us,
    • “Hospital and public health officials are urging people to take precautions and be mindful of where they seek care to limit capacity strain on emergency departments as respiratory virus activity heats up heading into the holiday season. 
    • “Since early September, COVID-19 metrics had mostly been trending downward or remained flat. Now they are on the rise again, though they remain far below levels seen in previous surges. There were 16,239 new admissions for the week ending Nov. 11, up 8.6% from the previous week. 
    • “Meanwhile, most of the country is seeing an uptick of flu and respiratory syncytial virus cases. Hospitalizations associated with the two infections are also ticking up, particularly among children and older adults. 
    • “The more concerning thing is the severity of some of the illness,” Hany Atallah, MD, chief medical officer Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, told ABC affiliate WPLG. “And we are also seeing some patients come in with more than one viral infection, so they may have RSV and flu, for example. We’re constantly trying to follow the science and encourage people to get vaccines.” 
  • The Wall Street Journal points out,
    • “Ozempic, Wegovy and their counterparts have exploded in popularity over the past year, earning billions for the drugs’ makers, transforming the American approach to weight-loss, and sparking widespread cultural discussion in a country that is already obsessed with weight
    • “That conversation lands on Thanksgiving tables this week, where some people say the drugs have boosted their confidence around food, and others say they are worried about facing questions about what they’re eating, what they’re not eating, and changes in their appearance.
    • “It’s a hot topic, and people have a lot of judgments,” says Dr. Gauri Khurana, a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City and a clinical instructor at Yale University who has prescribed the medications and helped patients manage them. * * *
    • “Doctors advise people to listen to their bodies—not their family members—when it comes to serving sizes. A balanced plate that gives priority to protein and high-fiber foods over carbohydrates and fatty foods, which tend to sit in the stomach and exacerbate the medication’s effects of delayed gastric emptying, can help patients avoid filling up too quickly or feeling nauseous.”
  • The New York Times reports,
    • “Just in time for the holiday season, the Biden administration is offering Americans a fresh round of free at-home coronavirus tests through the Postal Service.
    • “The administration revived the dormant program in September, announcing then that households could order four free tests through a federal website,
    • “Beginning Monday, households may order an additional four tests. Households that have not placed an order since the program resumed can submit two orders, for eight tests in total.”
  • The University of Minnesota informs us,
    • “A new survey of 158 hospital executives, conducted by the Sepsis Alliance, found that 90% see antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a threat, and 88% think the problem is getting worse. The survey, conducted by Sage Growth Partners on behalf of the Sepsis Alliance, also dug into executives’ views on other related AMR issues. An 11-page report on the findings was published on the Sepsis Alliance websiteon November 17.
    • “Another top concern is the public’s lack of knowledge about AMR, with 59% of executives saying that public education of clinicians as well as patients is the largest barrier to antibiotic stewardship. Respondents recommend public service announcements covering the need for early treatment, the importance of completing treatment, and storing the drugs properly.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Healthcare Dive asks “Where are all the nurses? Hospitals, advocates disagree on crisis; Hospitals and nursing unions disagree about what’s driving sluggish application rates for open registered nurse positions — a lack of qualified candidates or a lack of interest.”
  • BioPharma Dive notes,
    • “Roche’s Genentech unit is partnering with computing giant Nvidia in a multiyear deal that highlights the pharmaceutical industry’s growing hopes of using artificial intelligence to speed up the process of designing and developing new drugs. 
    • “By collaborating with Nvidia, Genentech expects to “significantly enhance” its existing AI research and potentially improve on the chip designer’s own software, such as its “BioNemo” platform for drug discovery. 
    • “Our teams will be continuously exchanging expertise on the advancement of science and the state-of-the-art methods emerging in accelerated computing, AI and simulation across this entire drug discovery process,” said Kimberly Powell, vice president of healthcare at Nvidia, in a briefing with reporters.” 

Midweek Update

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • Roll Call tells us, “The Senate on Wednesday voted 82-15 to pass the first three of its fiscal 2024 appropriations bills in a “minibus” as the House tees up votes this week on three of its remaining seven fiscal 2024 appropriations bills.”
    • The minibus included “the fiscal 2024 Military Construction-VA, Agriculture, and Transportation-HUD appropriations bills.” 
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued its “calendar year 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) Rate Update final rule.”
  • Per Fierce Healthcare, the rule
    • increases the 2024 home health payments by 0.8%, or $140 million.
    • “The $140 million increase in estimated payments for CY 2024 reflects the effects of the CY 2024 home health payment update percentage of 3% ($525 million increase), an estimated 2.6% decrease that reflects the effects of the permanent behavioral assumption adjustment ($455 million) and an estimated 0.4% increase that reflects the effects of an updated FDL ($70 million increase),” the unpublished rule said.
    • “CMS expects increasing the rate will bring home health payments in line with statutory payment authority.”
  • BioPharma Dive informs us,
    • “An experimental sickle cell disease treatment made with CRISPR technology is one step closer to approval in the U.S., following a meeting Tuesday in which advisers to the Food and Drug Administration seemed generally comfortable with its safety.
    • “Made up of scientists and physicians, the advisory panel spent hours discussing highly technical questions around how best to assess the risk that CRISPR — the gene editing technique often likened to a pair of scissors — might make unwanted, or “off-target,” cuts to DNA.
    • “Ultimately, the panel appeared convinced that Vertex Pharmaceuticals, which developed the sickle cell treatment, had done enough to show the therapy is safe, although they pointed to several avenues for further study.”
  • Reuters adds, “Analysts have been optimistic the therapy, which is a first-of-its-kind product to reach the FDA for review, will win the health regulator’s nod by Dec. 8.”
  • On a related note, an article in Health Affairs Scholar prognosticates,
    • “Despite the potential of gene therapy to transform the lives of patients with rare genetic diseases, serious concern has been raised about the financing of the high up-front costs for such treatments and about the ability of the employer-sponsored insurance system in the United States, particularly in small firms, to pay for discoveries of this type. In this paper, we provide a conceptual framework and empirical evidence to support the proposition that, at present, private group insurance financing of cost-effective gene therapies is not only feasible and competitively necessary in the labor market for employers, regardless of group size, but also that, currently, the number of US workers in small firms who might be stressed by very high-priced claims is a tiny fraction of the group market for genetic treatments. The current system of employer-paid self-insurance supplemented by stop-loss coverage should be able to facilitate the use of new cost-effective gene therapies. Other alternative methods of financing that have been proposed may not be urgently needed. There are, however, some concerns about the long-term resilience of this system if stop-loss premiums continue to have high growth.”
  • The Society for Human Resource Management reminds us,
    • “Employers are required to use the latest version of Form I-9 beginning today.
    • “The new form from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has been available for use since August but becomes mandatory for all employers as of Nov. 1. 
    • “The new I-9 does not make any new changes to employer or employee obligations involved in the verification of work authorization. Cosmetic changes include the reduction of Sections 1 and 2 to a single page, slight revisions to the Lists of Acceptable Documents, and a new box that eligible employers must check if the employee’s documents were examined remotely under the newly authorized alternative procedure for qualified E-Verify employers.”

In FEHB news, as we approach the Open Season,

  • FedSmith offers its perspective on factors to consider when selecting an FEHB plan during Open Season.
  • FedWeek offers retired OPM executive Reg Jones’s views on the upcoming Open Season.
  • The Federal Times highlights the fine points of fertility coverage in 2024 FEHB plans.

From the public health and research front,

  • The Centers for Disease Control reminds us,
    • Every U.S. household can order 4 more free COVID-19 self-tests. 
    • Self-tests (also called at-home tests and over-the-counter tests) are one of several tools that protect you and others by reducing the chances of spreading COVID-19.
    • Self-tests can be taken at home or anywhere, are easy to use, and produce rapid results.
    • You can place an order 
      • Online at
      • By calling 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489)
      • By calling or emailing the Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) at 1-888-677-1199 or (for people with disabilities)
  • The Washington Post reports,
    • “Dying from heart failure and ineligible for a human heart transplant, Lawrence Faucette knew that the last chance he had at extending his life was to receive a heart transplanted from a pig. The 58-year-old man said from his Baltimore hospital bed in September that he was “hoping for the absolute best,” but understood that he was the second person in the world to undergo the procedure — and the highly experimental surgery did not guarantee that he would get more time with his wife and two sons.
    • “We’re going to do the best we can,” he said in a video posted by the University of Maryland School of Medicine. “Now at least I have hope. And now I have a chance.”
    • “Faucette died Monday, nearly six weeks after the surgery, becoming the second patient to die after receiving a genetically modified pig heart, medical school officials announced Tuesday.”
  • RIP, Mr. Faucette.
  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “The rate of babies dying in the U.S. increased significantly for the first time in two decades, raising new alarms about maternal-infant health in America.
    • “The nation’s infant mortality rate rose 3% from 2021 to 2022, reversing a decadeslong overall decline, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday. The rate increased from 5.44 infant deaths for every 1,000 births to 5.6 in 2022, a statistically significant uptick. * * *
    • “The death rate increased significantly for babies born to American Indian and Alaska Native women, babies born to white women, babies born to women ages 25 to 29 years, male babies and preterm babies.
    • “Changes in the rates for other groups weren’t significant, though the agency’s data showed that mortality rates among racial groups in the U.S. remain wide. The rate for babies born to Black mothers was more than double that of white mothers.”
  • STAT New calls attention to the fact that
    • “Most lung cancer screening guidelines hinge on how much people smoked tobacco and when they last smoked, but the American Cancer Society now says it doesn’t matter how long ago they quit. On Wednesday, the ACS released guidance recommending that anyone with a significant smoking history get an annual low-dose CT scan for lung cancer.
    • “The new guidelines also expand the age range for lung cancer screening to 50 through 80, instead of 55 through 74, and lower the smoking history requirement from 30 cigarette pack years to 20 pack years or more. That means the equivalent of a pack a day for 20 years, which includes two packs a day for 10 years or four packs a day for five years. Most private insurance plans are required to cover screening guidelines with an A or B-grade recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, though some organizations do follow ACS guidelines.
    • “These recommendations bring the ACS’ new age range and smoking history requirements in line with that of the task force’s lung cancer guidelines, which were updated in 2021. However, the task force still only extends lung cancer screening eligibility to patients who quit smoking within the last 15 years. 
    • One of the main reasons the ACS wanted to strike the years-since-quit requirement from their guidelines was that many former smokers are still at high risk for lung cancer regardless of when they quit smoking. “The more we dug into the data, the more we saw there was no real evidence for that criterion,” said Robert Smith, the senior vice president of early detection science at the American Cancer Society.”
  • The Lown Institute issued a report on unnecessary heart stent procedures in the U.S.
    • “Every seven minutes, a Medicare patient receives an unnecessary coronary stent at a U.S. hospital, a new report finds. The Lown Institute, an independent think tank, examined the overuse of percutaneous coronary interventions (coronary stent or balloon angioplasty) at 1,733 general hospital inpatient and outpatient facilities and found more than 229,000 procedures met the criteria for overuse.
    • “While coronary stents can be lifesaving for someone having a heart attack, years of research shows that stents for stable heart disease provide no benefit over optimal medication therapy. Across all hospitals, Lown estimates that more than one in five stents were placed unnecessarily in Medicare patients from 2019 to 2021, at a cost of $2.44 billion.
    • “When physicians continue a practice despite the evidence against it, it becomes more dangerous than useful,” said Dr. Vikas Saini, a cardiologist and president of the Lown Institute. “The overuse of stents is incredibly wasteful and puts hundreds of thousands of patients in harm’s way.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Per Healthcare Dive,
    • CVS Health beat Wall Street expectations for earnings and revenue in the third quarter, as growth in pharmacy benefits offset higher spending in its health insurance segment.
    • The Rhode Island-based healthcare behemoth continues to wrangle with headwinds including higher-than-expected healthcare utilization, a pharmacist strike and lost bonus payments in Medicare Advantage.
    • As a result, interim CFO Tom Cowhey cautioned investors on a Wednesday morning call to expect 2024 earnings at the low end of the company’s guidance.
  • and
    • “Humana reported growing medical costs in its insurance segment during the third quarter as a result of increased medical utilization among Medicare Advantage members and higher-than-anticipated COVID-19 admissions.
    • “The payer expects higher levels of utilization to continue for the remainder of the year, and is now forecasting its 2023 medical loss ratio (MLR) will outpace prior guidance. Humana is projecting an MLR of 87.5% for 2023, up from the 86.6% to 87.3% range it previously expected.
    • “Humana’s shares slid following the earnings release Wednesday, despite the insurer beating Wall Street expectations on revenue of $26.4 billion and profit of $1.1 billion.
  • Forbes reports that biopharma giant “GSK shares rose on Wednesday after the pharma giant upgraded its profit guidance for the second time this year amid booming demand for its new vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).”

Midweek update

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

From Washington, DC

  • Roll Call informs us
    • House Republicans appeared to be moving closer to an agreement Wednesday on an opening bid for stopgap funding legislation that would keep the lights on at federal agencies beyond Sept. 30 and pave the way for their chamber to take up its full-year appropriations bills.
    • At least a handful of conservative holdouts still maintained their opposition as of Wednesday night, which would be enough to sink a revised bill unless GOP leaders are able to change some minds in the next few days. Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., is expected to keep the chamber in session on Saturday if necessary.
    • Even if GOP leaders’ new effort is successful, however, it was starting to look more like a bid to reopen the government after a brief shutdown, given the deadline is 10 days away and the Senate is likely to ping-pong a much different bill back to the House.
  • The FEHBlog notes that it would not be unusual for Congress to pass a brief continuing resolution next week to allow for the passage of a longer continuing resolution, thereby side stepping the partial government shutdown.
  • Fierce Healthcare offers details on the House Ways and Means Committee’s No Surprises Act hearing, while Healthcare Dive shares details on the House Oversight and Accountability’s PBM reform hearing. Both hearings were held yesterday.
  • Speaking of the No Surprises Act, the ACA regulators released a proposed rule increasing the government’s NSA arbitration fee from $50 per party to $150 per party next year. The FEHBlog has no idea why the government doesn’t ladder the fee based on the amount in dispute. The government also increased the maximum fee independent dispute resolution entities can charge the parties.
  • MedCity News informs us
    • “FDA Approves GSK Myelofibrosis Med That Has Edge Over Others in Drug Class 
    • “FDA approval of GSK’s Ojjaara in myelofibrosis introduces a new competitor to blockbuster Incyte drug Jakafi. Ojjaara was part of GSK’s $1.9 billion acquisition of Sierra Oncology last year.”
  • and
    • “FDA Rejects ARS Pharma’s Nasal Spray Alternative to Injectable Epinephrine 
    • “ARS Pharmaceuticals frames its intranasal epinephrine spray as a needle-free alternative to products such as EpiPen. Though this spray won the backing of an FDA advisory committee, the agency is now requiring that ARS Pharma run another study to support a regulatory submission.”

From the public health and medical research fronts,

  • STAT News reports,
    • “The federal government is again offering free Covid-19 tests to Americans, providing a fifth round of free tests in part to meet current needs and in part to stimulate a domestic testing industry that has struggled with cratering demand for rapid diagnostics.
    • “The measure, announced Wednesday, will see rapid tests released from the Strategic National Stockpile. In addition, 12 domestic test manufacturers will receive investments totaling $600 million to help “warm-base” the U.S. capacity for rapid test production, both for Covid and future disease threats. * * *
    • “Households will be entitled to receive four free rapid tests apiece, with ordering at opening on Sept. 25. O’Connell said test shipments are expected to start on Oct. 2.”
  • The FEHBlog thinks that the government is fighting the last pandemic. Why not incent the production of the FDA-approved (last February) at-home tests for Covid or the flu, not just Covid?
  • In any event, the Wall Street Journal points out
    • “Don’t throw out that seemingly outdated at-home rapid Covid-19 test just yet. It may still be good. 
    • “The Food and Drug Administration has been extending expiration dates for some authorized at-home, over-the-counter Covid test kits, meaning some unused tests may still be viable. The agency’s updated list of expiration dates may be useful to those reaching for their stash of Covid-19 tests amid new variants and a recent bump in cases and hospitalizations.”
  • The National Institutes of Health announced,
    • “A trial of a preventive HIV vaccine candidate has begun enrollment in the United States and South Africa. The Phase 1 trial will evaluate a novel vaccine known as VIR-1388 for its safety and ability to induce an HIV-specific immune response in people. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, has provided scientific and financial support throughout the lifecycle of this HIV vaccine concept and is contributing funding for this study.”
  • Per NBC News,
    • “Is morning the best time of day to exercise? Research published Tuesday in the journal Obesity finds that early morning activity — between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. — could help with weight loss. 
    • “My cautious suggestion from this study is that if we choose to exercise in the early morning before we eat, we can potentially lose more weight compared to exercise at other times of the day,” said lead researcher Tongyu Ma, a research assistant professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Healthcare Dive tells us
    • “Ochsner Health is launching a pilot program this month that will use generative artificial intelligence to draft “simple” messages to patients.
    • “About a hundred clinicians across the New Orleans-based health system will participate in the first phase of the program, where AI will prepare responses to patient questions unrelated to diagnoses or clinical judgments. The messages will be reviewed and edited by providers before being sent to patients, according to a news release. 
    • “Ochsner is part of an early adopter group of Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service, which integrates with the Epic electronic health record. The health system will test the messaging feature over three phases this fall, and Ochsner will collect patient feedback to improve the system.” 
  • Per Fierce Healthcare,
    • “Making sense of mountains of data continues to be an often elusive goal for most of the healthcare system, but Cambia Health Solutions said it hopes its latest effort will allow it to better corral useable information.
    • “Cambia and Abacus Insights, a data management company that tacklesthe challenge of making healthcare networks interoperable, launched a new data aggregating system that processes information for about 3.4 million members across four Blues plans. 
    • “According to an Abacus case study (PDF), “Cambia recognized that to deliver care orchestrated around the unique needs of each individual, data must be actionable. To be actionable, case study data must be understandable, usable, timely, and have clinical utility.”

Happy Labor Day!

Way back in the day, OPM routinely would announce the next year’s FEHB premiums around Labor Day. The announcement was known as OPM’s Labor Day press release. Currently, the announcement is made in the last week of September.

Tammy Flanagan writes in Govexec about federal employee benefit issues confronting couples who both work for Uncle Sam, specifically

  • “Should we carry two self only plans under the Federal Employees Health Benefits program or one self plus one plan if we don’t need to cover children?
  • “Do we need to provide survivor annuities for each other?”

Check it out.

The Senate returns from its August State work break tomorrow for a shortened week of Committee business and floor voting. The House of Representatives returns to the Nation’s Capital next Tuesday.

From the public health front,

  • The Washington Post reports
    • “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday [September 1] issued a national alert warning health-care professionals to watch out for infections of Vibrio vulnificus, a rare flesh-eating bacteria that has killed at least 13 people on the Eastern Seaboard this year.
    • “Although infections from the bacteria have been mostly reported in the Gulf Coast, infections in the eastern United States rose eightfold from 1988 to 2018, the CDC said. In the same period, the northern geographic range of infections has increased by 30 miles every year. This year’s infections came during a period of above-average coastal sea surface temperatures, the agency said.
    • “Up to 200 people in the United States every year report Vibrio vulnificus infections to the CDC. A fifth of the cases are fatal, sometimes within one or two days of the onset of illness, according to the agency.”
  • The Wall Street Journal tells us
    • “A two-decade decline in [prostate cancer] death rates has stalled. Some doctors worry deaths could rise in coming years.
    • “We’re finding them with disease not contained in the prostate but also in the bones, in the lymph nodes,” said Dr. James Porter, a urological surgeon in Seattle. “That’s a recent phenomenon.” 
    • “The pendulum swing hits at a fundamental problem in screening for all cancers: Testing too many people leads to more invasive procedures some patients don’t need. Testing too few misses opportunities to catch cases while there is a better chance treatment will work.
    • “Groups including the American Cancer Society are reviewing their own guidance for prostate-cancer screening. Many doctors want to better target the test, limiting screening for some men while encouraging high-risk groups including Black men or those with a strong family history to get testing earlier. 
    • “PSA recommendations have been ping-ponging back and forth, and what’s been lost in that is the high-risk people,” said Dr. Heather Cheng, director of the Prostate Cancer Genetics Clinic at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. She is helping to review the American Cancer Society’s prostate-cancer screening guidelines. 
    • “Cheng and other doctors working to better calibrate screening said the risks of overdiagnosis have declined. More doctors now monitor low-risk tumors for growth before rushing a man into surgery or radiation. Better imaging tools have reduced biopsies.”
  • In other words, the problem is not necessarily the screening test; rather the problem may be the reaction of the medical community to screening results.  
  • NPR Shots informs us,
    • “The idea of food as medicine dates back to the ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates, and a new study adds to the evidence that a diet full of fruits and vegetables can help improve heart health. The research comes amid an epidemic of  diet-related disease, which competes with smoking as a leading cause of death.
    • “Researchers evaluated the impact of “produce prescriptions,” which provide free fruits and vegetables to people with diet related diseases including diabetes, obesity and hypertension. The study included nearly 4,000 people in 12 states who struggle to afford healthy food. They received vouchers, averaging $63 a month, for up to 10 months, which could be redeemed for produce at retail stores or farmers markets, depending on the location. 
    • “Health care providers tracked changes in weight, blood pressure and blood sugar among the participants. “We were excited to see improvements,” says study author Kurt Hager, an instructor at UMass Chan Medical School.
    • “Among adults with hypertension, we saw that systolic blood pressure decreased by 8 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure decreased by about 5 mm Hg, which could have a meaningful impact on health outcomes,” Hager says.
    • “Among people with uncontrolled diabetes, their A1C levels, which is a 2-3 month average of their blood sugar, also declined significantly, by about .6 percent. “The reductions we saw in blood sugar were roughly half of that of commonly prescribed medications, which is really encouraging for just a simple change in diet,” Hager says.” 
  • Fortune Well explains how to deal with the uncertainty that serves as the root of anxiety.
    • “Uncertainty is life’s promise to us all. For more than twenty years, I have watched people rise from unspeakable pain to venture again into a future that withholds all certainty. I work with people who have endured shocking traumas and, predictably, our early conversations are filled with interrogative pleas for a certain safety: “How can I be absolutely sure nothing like this will ever happen again?” they ask me.
    • “The answer is: they cannot.
    • “After many years, the thing that still takes my breath away is the grace and courage of people who accept this truth and say: I rise again not because I know for sure, but because I hope anyway.”
  • The New York Times offers a reminder about how to use at home COVID tests effectively. Bear in mind that Paxlovid should be taken within five day after showing Covid symptoms.

Thursday Miscellany

Photo by Josh Mills on Unsplash

The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that maternal mortality cases in the U.S. spiked in 2021, rising from around 850 to 1200 nationwide. From examining Journal reader comments, the FEHBlog ran across a helpful breakdown of maternal deaths per U.S. state.  The lowest maternal death rate is in California, and the highest maternal death rate is in Louisiana.  The breakdown points out what the States with the lowest rates are doing right and what the States with the highest rates are doing to remedy the problem. Healthcare is local.

The FEHBlog also was directed to this article from the T.H. Chan public health school at Harvard:

October 21, 2022 – Women in the U.S. who are pregnant or who have recently given birth are more likely to be murdered than to die from obstetric causes—and these homicides are linked to a deadly mix of intimate partner violence and firearms, according to researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Homicide deaths among pregnant women are more prevalent than deaths from hypertensive disorders, hemorrhage, or sepsis, wrote Rebecca Lawn, postdoctoral research fellow, and Karestan Koenen, professor of psychiatric epidemiology, in an October 19 editorial in the journal BMJ.

The U.S. has a higher prevalence of intimate partner violence than comparable countries, such violence is often fatal, and it frequently involves guns, Lawn and Koenen noted. They cited one study that found that, from 2009–2019, 68% of pregnancy-related homicides involved firearms. That study also found that Black women face substantially higher risk of being killed than white or Hispanic women.

I also located the CDC’s website on keeping new mothers alive.

This evening the Journal discussed why our country’s maternal mortality rate is so high.

Finally, STAT News reports that this afternoon the Centers for Disease Control announced preliminary 2022 maternal mortality figures.

Deaths of pregnant women in the U.S. fell in 2022, dropping significantly from a six-decade high during the pandemic, new data suggests.

More than 1,200 U.S. women died in 2021 during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth, according to a final tally released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2022, there were 733 maternal deaths, according to preliminary agency data, though the final number is likely to be higher.

Officials say the 2022 maternal death rate is on track to get close to pre-pandemic levels. But that’s not great: The rate before Covid-19 was the highest it had been in decades.

The CDC counts women who die while pregnant, during childbirth, and up to 42 days after birth. Excessive bleeding, blood vessel blockages, and infections are leading causes.

Covid-19 can be particularly dangerous to pregnant women, and experts believe it was the main reason for the 2021 spike. Burned out physicians may have added to the risk by ignoring pregnant women’s worries, some advocates said.

In 2021, there were about 33 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births. The last time the government recorded a rate that high was 1964.

What happened “isn’t that hard to explain,” said Eugene Declercq, a long-time maternal mortality researcher at Boston University. “The surge was Covid-related.”

The FEHBlog’s goal is to provide perspective on this vital issue.

From the Omicron and siblings front, MedPage Today informs us

An FDA panel recommended the agency grant full approval to nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid) for treating high-risk COVID-19.

By a vote of 16-1 on Thursday, the Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee said the totality of evidence supports the traditional approval of the oral antiviral, which has been widely used since late 2021 under an emergency use authorization to reduce the risk of hospitalization or death in outpatients at risk for severe outcomes.

“Besides oxygen, Paxlovid has probably been the single most important treatment tool in this epidemic, and it continues to be,” said Richard Murphy, MD, MPH, of the White River Junction VA Medical Center in Hartford, Vermont.

The Mercer consulting firm considers employer approaches to coverage of Covid tests following the end of the public health emergency.

Employers have some important decisions to make over the next two months before the COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE) comes to an end on May 11. One is how to handle cost-sharing for PCR and other COVID tests and related services provided by a licensed healthcare or otherwise authorized provider. Under the PHE, group health plans had to cover testing received either in- or out-of-network at no cost to participants. 

We recently polled recipients of our New Shape of Work newsletter to ask whether they planned to impose cost-sharing requirements once allowed. Of the more than 1,000 readers who responded, about half indicated that their organization will  not make any change when the PHE ends:  22% will continue to cover PCR testing at 100% both in- and out-of-network, and 29% say that they require COVID testing at their worksites and provide it at no cost.  Only about a fourth (26%) will now require cost-sharing from participants even when they use an in-network facility for testing; about another fourth (23%) will add a cost-sharing requirement only for out-of-network services.   

Personally, the FEHBlog would opt for restoring a cost-sharing requirement only for out-of-network services.

From the Rx coverage front

  • STAT News tells us, “Following the lead of its rivals, Sanofi will cut the price of its most widely prescribed insulin in the U.S. by 78% and also place a $35 cap on out-of-pocket costs for commercially insured patients who take the treatment, which is called Lantus. The moves will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.”
  • The Mercer consulting firm offers its perspective on coverage of the new era of weight loss drugs, e.g., Ozempic.

For plans covering weight-loss medications, adding prior authorization criteria can help manage cost growth. These include requirements such as a certain body mass index (BMI), co-morbid conditions, enrollment in a behavior modification program, and/or reduced calorie diet. Upon initiation of therapy, patients and clinicians should partner to create a comprehensive plan to achieve goals and use the medication purposefully alongside a targeted and managed lifestyle program. The plan should include a discussion regarding medication discontinuation when/if goals are met to prevent relapse and weight regain/ weight cycling. Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) with a registered dietitian should be covered; ideally 14 in-person or telenutrition sessions.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, self-monitoring, motivational interviewing, structured meal plans, portion control and goal setting are recommended interventions. Ideally, patients would progress from dietary intervention (covered MNT or weight management solution), to weight loss medications, and then, potentially, to bariatric surgery.  

In recognition of Patient Safety Awareness Week, the Partnership to Fight Infectious Disease announced, making March 18 a day of action to raise awareness of the need to #squashsuperbugs so that we can all do our part to prepare and perhaps even prevent a future pandemic due to antibiotic resistance.

From the No Surprises Act front, Fierce Healthcare reports

An “astronomical” number of surprise billing arbitration dispute cases is impacting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a top agency official said.

Education and communication are integral to an “orderly transition” in the handling of independent dispute resolutions for out-of-pocket charges, the official said. The agency has grappled with legal issues and implementation hiccups surrounding a controversial process for settling feuds between payers and providers on out-of-network charges.

“We are seeing more than expected number of disputes getting to that last stopgap part, which is the independent dispute resolution part,” said Ellen Montz, director of CMS’ Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. Montz spoke during a session Wednesday at the AHIP Medicare, Medicaid, Duals & Commercial Markets Forum in Washington, D.C. 

The agency is also seeing a lot of ineligible cases that don’t qualify for the dispute resolution process, which requires a third party to choose between out-of-network charges submitted by the payer and provider. 

These ineligible cases require “a lot of casework, phone calls and back and forth to determine eligibility,” Montz said. 

From the Medicare front, Healthcare Dive tells us

The group that advises Congress on Medicare policy is recommending updating base physician payment rates by 1.45% for 2024, according to its annual March report out Wednesday.

The Medicare Advisory Payment Commission, or MedPAC, did not make recommendations for ambulatory surgery center payment updates or for Medicare Advantage plans.

The commission did note concern with MA plan coding intensity, and said Medicare now spends more on MA enrollees than it would have spent had those enrollees remained in fee-for-service plans.

The FEHBlog doubts that this MedPAC report made anyone happy.

From the federal employee benefits front, FedWeek reminds folks that while the dependent care flexible spending accounts available to federal employees typically are used for child care, they also can be used for senior care in certain circumstances.

Happy Days are Here Again!

OPM Headquarters a/k/a the Theodore Roosevelt Building

The FEHBlog was delighted to read today that OPM is encouraging FEHB carriers that OPM is encouraging FEHB carriers to incorporate Medicare Part D EGWPs in their plans for 2024. The FEHBlog has been encouraging this step for years, as readers must know.

The Medicare Part D EGWPs will cushion the FEHBP against the expenses of drugs to treat Alzheimer’s Disease and other illnesses that impact annuitants over age 65. While there are many factors at play in determining premiums, this factor standing alone would lower premiums. Thank you, OPM.

From the Omicron and siblings front, the New York Times virus briefing newsletter wished its readers well today.

Now, after three years, we’re pausing this newsletter. The acute phase of the pandemic has faded in much of the world, and many of us have tried to pick up the pieces and move on. We promise to return to your inbox if the pandemic takes a sharp turn. But, for now, this is goodbye.

The American Hospital Association informs us

In a study released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC}, a single bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster provided additional protection against omicron XBB variants in adults who previously received two to four monovalent vaccine doses. XBB-related variants account for over half of currently circulating COVID-19 variants in the United States.

“All persons should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including receiving a bivalent booster dose when eligible,” the authors conclude.


The CDC yesterday launched a website to help consumers locate no-cost COVID-19 testing through its Increasing Community Access to Testing program, which includes pharmacies, commercial laboratories and other sites that bill the tests to government and private insurers and focus on vulnerable communities. The tests may include laboratory-based nucleic acid amplification tests and rapid antigen point-of-care tests, with results typically provided in 24-48 hours.

From the public health front

  • The Hill tells us about a CDC internal reorganization.
  • The HHS Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research provides us with an infographic and report about the three most commonly treated illnesses among older adults — hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and arthritis / other joint disorders
  • Fierce Healthcare relates, “The Biden administration is planning to release three to four new payment models on advance primary care and another enabling states to assume the total cost of care for Medicare, a top official shared.”
  • HHS’s HEAL Program Director, Dr. Rebecca Baker, discusses “Research That Offers Hope to End Addiction Long-Term.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front

Healthcare Dive reports

Elevance Health, one of the nation’s largest insurers, added more members in 2022, fueled by growth in its government business thanks to continued relaxed eligibility rules on enrollment.  

Elevance ended the year covering 47.5 million people, a nearly 5% increase from the prior-year period, driven largely by growth in Medicaid members.

In turn, total revenue climbed 13% to nearly $157 billion for the year as the insurer collected higher premium revenue from its Medicaid plans.   

Net income dipped about 1% to $6 billion for the full year as expenses climbed about 14%.  


The CMS announced Wednesday that a record-breaking 16.3 million people signed up for Affordable Care Act marketplace plans during the 2023 open enrollment season, a result of extended pandemic-era subsidies enacted by the American Rescue Plan.

Over 1.8 million more people enrolled in marketplace coverage compared to last year — a 13% increase, and the most amount of plan selections of any year since the launch of the ACA marketplace a decade ago, according to the CMS. The record-breaking enrollment numbers include 3.6 million first-time marketplace enrollees.

STAT News tells us

The claims have become almost ubiquitous. Hospital CEO after hospital CEO stands at a podium and promises the merger being announced will improve quality and lower costs.

Once deals close, though, there tends to be little, if any, follow-up to determine whether those things actually happened. A new Journal of the American Medical Association study adds to the growing body of evidence that they don’t. The authors looked across a large swath of the country’s hospitals and physicians found that while quality did improve marginally, the prices paid for services delivered by health system hospitals and doctors was significantly higher than their non-system peers.

“You start to feel really hopeful when you hear about this, ‘Yeah, we can really improve health care,’ and then when you look at it, it’s just not there,” said Nancy Beaulieu, a study author and research associate in Harvard Medical School’s department of health care policy.

Ruh roh.

On related note, Fierce Healthcare informs us

A top insurance lobbying group plans to press Congress this session to adopt legislation that expands the footprint of site-neutral payment reform, setting up a likely clash with hospital groups. 

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA), which represents 38 Blues plans, released several policy priorities for the current Congress as part of a new report Tuesday. Some of the policies focus on changing Medicare reimbursement rates to pay the same amount to clinics whether they are independent or affiliated with a hospital. Other reforms focus on prescription drugs and spurring more participation in value-based care. 

“We’re very concerned about the increasing acquisition of physician practices by hospitals in the healthcare system,” said Kris Haltmeyer, vice president of policy analysis for BCBSA, during a reporter briefing Tuesday. 

One of the association’s major priorities is to pass a bill that would remove a grandfathering provision in the 2015 Balanced Budget Act. The provision shielded certain hospital outpatient departments from billing limits established in the law, with the exception of emergency departments. 

The association also wants to require off-campus hospital sites to get a different national provider identifier than the main facility campus. They should also use a different claim form for any professional service rendered in an office or clinic owned by a hospital but not on the campus. 

Go get ’em.