Monday Roundup

Monday Roundup

This morning, while driving from Plano, TX, to our home in Dripping Springs, TX, the FEHBlog listened to this week’s Econtalk episode in which the host Russ Roberts interviewed Dr. Marty Makary about his new book “Blind Spots: When Medicine Gets It Wrong, and What It Means for Our Health.” I encourage folks to listen to the podcast or read the transcript, either of which is eye opening.  

From Washington, DC,

  • OPM has shared its supplemental Postal Service Health Benefits Program final rule with the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for its review before publication in the Federal Register.
  • This is the rulemaking in which OPM laid out its plan to deprive Medicare Part D eligible members of their PSHB plan’s prescription drug benefits if they opt out of the Plan’s Part D EGWP. OPM does not reduce the premium in the event of an opt out.
  • OPM settled on this approach based on its finding that the statute is ambiguous, thereby triggering the since then discredited Chevron doctrine. In any case, the statute is not ambiguous. PSHB plans must offer a Part D EGWP, and members can choose whether or not to join the Part D EGWP.
  • As the FEHBlog has explained, the new and improved Part D program, with a $2000 out of pocket maximum, coupled with the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, should sell itself to FEHB Part D eligible members.
  • NCQA “announced its 2024 Health Plan Ratings, an annual list that evaluates commercial, Medicare and Medicaid health plans based on assessments of patient experience and clinical quality. The 2024 Health Plan Ratings are based on data from calendar year 2023, when approximately 227 million people were enrolled in health plans that reported Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) results to NCQA.”
  • Beckers Payer Issues identifies the plans with the top NCQA ratings.
  • The American Hospital Association News informs us,
    • “The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has issued a request for information that seeks information on artificial intelligence use from health care providers, companies and others that can improve health care outcomes and care delivery. CMS plans to select organizations on a rolling basis to give 15-minute demonstrations of their AI products and services to the agency during quarterly CMS AI Demo Days which begin in October. The presentations will inform future CMS actions on AI. The deadline for questions is Sept. 27 and responses are due by Oct. 7.”

From the public health and medical research front,

  • Healio makes one of Dr. Makary’s points when it informs us that “Hormone therapy use among menopausal women has fallen to just 1.8% as of 2023, data show, despite evidence and clinical guidance suggesting HT is safe and effective for most women for bothersome menopausal symptoms.”
  • The New York Times reports,
    • “Research is revealing intriguing clues about how pregnancy changes the brain. 
    • “Studies scanning women’s brains before and after pregnancy have found that certain brain networks, especially those involved in social and emotional processing, shrink during pregnancy, possibly undergoing a fine-tuning process in preparation for parenting. Such changes correspond with surges in pregnancy hormones, especially estrogen, and some last at least two years after childbirth, researchers have found.
    • A new study, published Monday in the journal Nature Neuroscience, adds to the picture by documenting with M.R.I.s brain changes throughout one woman’s pregnancy. It confirms previous results and adds detail, including that white matter fibers showed greater ability to efficiently transmit signals between brain cells, a change that evaporated once the baby was born.
    • “What’s very interesting about this current study is that it provides such a detailed mapping,” said Elseline Hoekzema, a neuroscientist who heads the Pregnancy and the Brain Lab at Amsterdam University Medical Center and has helped lead studies analyzing brain scans of more than 100 women before and after pregnancy.
    • “Dr. Hoekzema, who was not involved in the new study, said it showed that along with previously documented “longer-lasting changes in brain structure and function, more subtle, transient changes also occur.”
  • Consumer Reports, writing in the Washington Post, explains how to track your health at home.

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Per MedCity News,
    • “A new Mercer report predicts there will be a national surplus of about 30,000 nurses by 2028. Though an overall surplus is projected nationally, there will still be significant shortages of nursing labor in a handful of states, as well as most of the country’s rural areas. To solve this issue, providers need to recruit from wider labor pools, minimize nurses’ nonclinical tasks and prioritize creating a more supportive work environment.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review discusses the threats looming over hospital revenue cycles.
  • Per MedTech Dive,
    • “Smiths Medical recalled tracheostomy kits because of a manufacturing defect that could cause the balloon to separate from the inflation line. 
    • “The recall, which includes the Portex Bluselect, Blugriggs and Bluperc kits, comprises more than 850,000 units, according to Food and Drug Administration database entries posted Wednesday. In a June letter to customers, Smiths said it received more than 10 reports of serious injuries related to the problem. 
    • “So far this year, Smiths has had seven Class I recalls, a designation the FDA uses for recalls with a risk of potential serious injury or death.”

Thursday Miscellany

From Washington, DC,

  • Govexec reports,
    • [On Monday July 21, the House of Representatives passed] “the Billion Dollar Boondoggle Act, was already approved by the Senate in March. 
    • “It would require agencies to report annually to Congress about their projects that are more than five years behind schedule or are $1 billion or more over budget. 
    • “Specifically, the measure would require an explanation for the delay or cost increase as well as a justification for any award, incentive fee or other type of bonus awarded with respect to the project. 
    • “It’s a bad day for boondoggles, but a very good one for taxpayers!” bill sponsor Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, said in a statement following House passage.” 
  • and
    • “The House also cleared the GOOD Act, which would mandate agencies to post their guidance documents online in a single location on the day they are issued. 
    • “Unfortunately, agency guidance documents are difficult to find, leaving Americans and small businesses guessing, and oftentimes struggling, to comply with the law. The Guidance Out of Darkness Act rights this wrong by requiring federal agencies to be transparent about interpretations of the law through publishing guidance in an easily accessible, online location,” said House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., who also sponsored the bill, in a statement. “Laws should not be implemented based on guidance that’s kept in the dark.”
    • “It also would require agencies to publish previously issued guidance documents that are still in effect to the same website.”
    • This bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.
  • Govexec also informs us,
    • “The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday finalized new regulations intended to ensure that federal workers who are temporarily promoted are paid appropriately for the duration of their detail.” * * *
    • “The new rule will go into effect on Aug. 26. In a memo to agency HR directors, OPM Associate Director for Workforce Policy and Innovation Veronica Hinton sought to reassure agencies that the new rule only applies in certain circumstances, providing an FAQ on the issue.”
  • The Washington Post tells us,
    • “A Senate committee Thursday formally opened a bipartisan investigation into Steward Health Care, the nation’s largest physician-led hospital system, and voted to subpoena the company’s CEO, alleging that Steward executives had mismanaged the system’s finances and put patient care at risk.
    • “Steward, a for-profit company that owns 31 hospitals across the country, is in bankruptcy proceedings and has been seeking to sell its hospitals. Community leaders and health workers in states served by Steward’s facilities, such as Massachusetts, have blamed Steward leaders for extravagant paydays even as hospitals struggled to meet mortgage payments and cover other expenses. The Justice Department also has been probing the company over allegations of fraud.”
    • “Senators on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee echoed those concerns Thursday and said Steward warranted a national spotlight on Capitol Hill, accusing the hospital system’s leaders of “outrageous corporate greed” that harmed access to medical services, such as spending nearly $100 million on a pair of private jets. Lawmakers on the committee have been investigating the system for months.”

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The Washington Post relates,
    • “A twice-yearly injection could help prevent HIV infections, according to the results of a new study described by medical experts as a breakthrough.
    • “In a randomized trial involving more than 5,000 young women and girls in South Africa and Uganda, none of those who received the prevention shots contracted HIV. The results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday.
    • “This appears to be a new breakthrough for HIV prevention. If these injections can be widely distributed at low cost, it would dramatically reduce the risk of new HIV infections worldwide,” said Sarah Palmer, co-director of the Center for Virus Research at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research in Sydney, who was not involved in the peer-reviewed study. “It is especially encouraging this research focused on young women in Africa who are so highly at-risk for HIV infection.” * * *
    • “The shots were produced by drugmaker Gilead Sciences, which funded the trial, and some of the researchers were Gilead employees. Lenacapavir, sold under the brand name Sunlenca, is approved as a treatment for HIV infections in the United States. The goal of the trial was to prove its safety and efficacy for the prevention of infection in adolescent girls and young women. A separate trial for men is underway.”
  • ‘The New York Times reports,
    • “For the more than 310,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer every year, no matter how well the treatment goes, there is always a lingering fear. Could the disease come back, even years later? And what if it comes back in the other breast? Could they protect themselves today by having a double mastectomy?
    • “A study has concluded that there is no survival advantage to having the other breast removed. Women who had a lumpectomy or a mastectomy and kept their other breast did just as well as women who had a double mastectomy, Dr. Steven Narod of Women’s College Hospital in Toronto and his colleagues reported, using U.S. data from more than 661,000 women with breast cancer on one side.
    • “In the study, published in JAMA Oncology on Thursday, the researchers added that most women did very well — the chance of cancer in the other breast was about 7 percent over 20 years.
    • “But the study’s results may not apply to women who have a gene variant, BRCA1 or BRCA2, which greatly increases their cancer risk. For the 1 in 500 American women with this variant, cancer researchers agree that it’s worth considering a double mastectomy.” * * *
    • “Dr. Angela DeMichele, a professor of medicine and co-leader of the breast cancer program at the University of Pennsylvania “says she carefully explains to patients that they have a real choice in treatment — they don’t have to have a double mastectomy.
    • “Many women, she said, assume that the more surgery they have, the more likely they are to be cured. So, they want both breasts removed.
    • “She tells them that removing the second, healthy breast does not prevent cells from their newly diagnosed cancer from spreading to other organs and to bones. “That is why chemotherapy and hormonal therapies are so important,” she tells patients. “They are designed to kill these cells.”
  • Per Beckers Hospital Review,
    • “A newly tested combination therapy showed a higher rate of survival compared to chemotherapy alone, according to a study published July 24 in The New England Journal of Medicine.
    • “Researchers from academic institutions including Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, conducted a clinical trial testing the combination therapy of blinatumomab plus chemotherapy on the survival rates of patients with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia.” * * *
    • “These results are encouraging and establish a new standard of treatment for people with BCP-ALL. The addition of blinatumomab to chemotherapy reduced the risk of leukemia recurrence and death by nearly 60%,” Mark Litzow, MD, lead study author and hematologist at the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, said in a July 24 news release from the Mayo Clinic.” 
  • and
    • “About 28% of knee and hip replacements are performed on people younger than 55 and the trend is expected to grow, U.S. News & World Report reported July 24.
    • “By 2030, people younger than 65 are expected to account for 52% of hip replacements and 62% for total knee replacements, according to research presented at the American Academy of Orthopedics’ annual meeting in 2023. Researchers utilized data from 5,153 patients in the American Joint Replacement Registry that had a total hip arthroplasty performed between 2012 and 2020.
    • “Many of those younger adults are former athletes.”
  • The American Medical Association lets us know what doctors wish their patients knew about pink eye.
  • The Hill notes,
    • “Teen births declined 69 percent from 2000 to 2022, according to newly released federal data, but racial and ethnic disparities continue to exist.  
    • Births declined at similar rates across all races, but Black, Native American and Hispanic teenagers still had higher birth rates in 2022 than white, non-Hispanic teens, according to the data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
  • U.S. News and World Report adds,
    • “For the first time in two decades, the infant mortality rate in the United States has risen, new government data shows.
    • “In a report released Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found that more than 20,500 babies died in 2022 before the age of 1. Overall, there were 5.6 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births, a 3% increase from the year before.
    • “Infant health is one of the most important public health indicators that we have,” Amanda Jean Stevenson, a demographer and assistant professor of sociology at the University of Colorado Boulder, told CNN.
    • “The fact that [infant mortality rates] are not continuing to decrease is a very big deal. Even flat infant mortality rates are not good,” she added. “We need to see these numbers going down — and fast — because they are far too high.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “Hospitals are finally emerging from the pandemic’s lasting disruption to labor markets, adding nurses and other critical workers who left the market or job hopped for higher pay. 
    • HCA Healthcare and Tenet Healthcare, two of the nation’s largest hospital and surgery-center companies, reported this week their hospitals are busy and are expected to stay that way through the year. Hiring has opened up services they had closed because of the pandemic and a tight labor market, company executives say.
    • “In totality, the strength in the hospital segment has been significant,” said Dr. Saum Sutaria, Tenet’s chief executive, on a call with analysts after the company posted its earnings this week. “We feel optimism about the demand that we see.”
  • In that regard, Healthcare Dive points out,
    • “Tenet Healthcare reported second-quarter earnings Wednesday that beat analysts’ estimates, drawing in a net income of $259 million on strong demand for outpatient services. 
    • “The Dallas-based provider raised its full-year guidance again following the results. Tenet was the only major for-profit provider to raise its full-year forecast following first-quarter earnings.
    • “Tenet now expects to bring in $3.8 billion to $4 billion in adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization — a $300 million increase over previous projections.” 
  • and
    • “Universal Health Services posted a second quarter net income of $289.2 million on Thursday and modestly revised its full-year revenue guidance up by 0.3% to 1%.
    • “However, CFO Steve Filton said on the company’s earnings call that acute care hospitals experienced a “moderation of demand” for services during the quarter, with adjusted admissions increasing 3.4% year over year and surgical growth “flattening out.” 
    • “The King of Prussia, Pennsylvania-based health system reported progress on controlling expenses — notably physician fee costs, which have plagued the system for multiple quarters. Executives called further cost controls critical to UHS’ efforts to get back to pre-pandemic operating margins.”
  • Per Beckers Hospital Review,
    • “St. Louis-based Ascension has taken another step in its effort to reorganize its portfolio — a strategy designed to enhance operating performance and ensure sustainability.
    • “The latest transaction is in the Midwest. Ontario, Calif.-based Prime Healthcare has entered into an asset purchase agreement with Ascension to acquire hospitals and care sites in Illinois.”
  • and
    • “Optum is closing clinics in multiple states and laying off 524 employees across California.
    • “According to regulatory documents filed July 18, the UnitedHealth Group company will terminate the California employees from Sept. 16 through January 2025 at clinic and administrative office locations in Hayward, Glendora, Montbello, Covina, Pasadena, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Irvine, Beaumont, Redlands, Highland, El Segundo, and Cerritos. The layoffs include some remote employees in other states.”
  • Healthcare Dive further notes,
    • “Investors came into second-quarter earnings for Molina concerned about how challenges in its core Medicaid business might affect the insurer. However, Molina exceeded Wall Street’s expectations for earnings and revenue in finances released aftermarket Wednesday.
    • “Molina reported revenue of $9.9 billion, up almost 19% year over year thanks to the insurer winning new Medicaid contracts and growing its existing businesses. Net income of $301 million was down slightly year over year due to an increase in spending on Medicaid beneficiaries, but still better than analyst forecasts.
    • “Medicaid pressures should ameliorate over the back half of the year, Molina executives told investors on a Thursday morning call. Molina is also open to additional M&A, despite coming off two recent acquisitions, and plans to stand up a new business to oversee its growth strategy in dual-eligible Medicare and Medicaid plans.”
  • Per Beckers Payer Issues,
    • “CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield credits a critical partnership with achieving top-tier results for Type 2 diabetes care. 
    • “CareFirst partnered with Ryse Health, a chain of clinics in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore areas, focused exclusively on managing diabetes. CareFirst members who received care at Ryse Health clinics had, on average, scores in the 95th percentile for several HEDIS measures.
  • and
    • “UnitedHealth Group will invest $25 million for housing for veterans experiencing homelessness and low and middle-income individuals. 
    • “The grant will go to the Community Solutions Large Cities Housing Fund, a $135 million fund backed by Kaiser Permanente, Wells Fargo and other large donors. The fund directly acquires apartment units. Half of these units are reserved for individuals transitioning out of homelessness, including veterans, according to a July 24 news release.” 
  • Per BioPharma Dive,
    • “Viking Therapeutics shares soared by more than 30% early Thursday after the company told investors it’s moving an experimental obesity drug into Phase 3 testing earlier than expected and exploring more convenient dosing.
    • “The medicine, dubbed VK2735, has already shown promising results in a Phase 2 trial released in February. In that study, patients lost as much as 15% of their body weight after 13 weeks of treatment with the drug, findings that suggest Viking’s option might be a future threat to blockbuster obesity medications sold by Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly.
    • “Analysts expected the next step would be a Phase 2b trial. But late Wednesday, Viking said it’s moving directly to Phase 3 after a meeting with Food and Drug Administration officials. The company also plans to study monthly injections for the medicine, potentially offering another advantage over the once-weekly products available now.”
  • and
    • “Roche is best known for the cancer drugs that still account for much of its drug revenue. But the Swiss pharmaceutical giant spent much of its latest quarterly earnings call fielding questions about a pair of experimental weight loss medicines that have fast become important to its future growth.
    • “Roche last year acquired those medicines in a $2.7 billion deal for biotechnology company Carmot Therapeutics. One, CT-388, is an injectable therapy, while the other, CT-996, is a pill. Since May, both have since shown the potential in early trials to spur significant weight loss, adding billions to Roche’s market value and making the company a surprise player in one of the most lucrative areas of drug research.
    • “It’s going to be a huge market,” CEO Thomas Schinecker said on a conference call. “By 2035, about 50% of the world’s population will be obese.”

Friday Factoids

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • Bloomberg News reports,
    • “Federal agencies are aiming to issue final regulations this year that aim to make the arbitration process more efficient for No Surprises Act health care payment disputes, an IRS official said.
    • “The regulations are a priority for the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services departments, said IRS Office of Chief Counsel Senior Technician Reviewer Kevin Knopf during a Thursday panel at the Federal Bar Association’s Insurance Tax Seminar.
    • “The proposed rules aim to reduce certain administrative fees tied to participating in an independent dispute resolution system that arbitrates clashes between medical providers and health insurers over payments. They also aim to clarify requirements to prove that a dispute is eligible for the dispute resolution process.” 
  • The Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) announced,
    • “Today, on National Heat Awareness Day, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is launching a new tool to help communities prepare for extreme heat and prevent heat-related illness, especially among those most at risk. The Heat and Health Index (HHI) is the first nationwide tool to provide heat-health outcome information at the ZIP code level. The HHI will help state and local officials identify communities, at the zip code level, most likely to experience negative health outcomes from heat, ensure that outreach and medical aid reach the people who need it most, and help decision-makers prioritize community resilience investments.”
  • The National Committee for Quality Assurance released a fact sheet about Mental Health Awareness Month, which ended today.
  • HHS’s Agency for Health Research and Quality tells us,
    • “As we round out Older Americans Month, it is crucial that we continue to recognize the significant contributions of older adults and the urgent need to transform and improve their healthcare. Our current system is ill-equipped to meet the complex needs of older adults, who often contend with multiple chronic conditions. This inadequacy leads to fragmented and sub-optimal care, resulting in poor health outcomes, avoidable adverse events, hospitalizations, institutionalization, and increased costs. 
    • “To meet these challenges, AHRQ remains committed to using its research capabilities to build the evidence base and identify solutions ready for action. To do so, the agency has released a Special Emphasis Notice to announce its strong interest in funding health services research to improve care quality for older adults.  Research proposals for enhancing service access, delivery, organization, and equitable distribution are welcome. In particular, AHRQ seeks research to address critical questions related to the development, implementation, evaluation, and scalability of person-centered models of care to optimize older adults’ physical and mental health, functional status, and overall well-being.” 
  • BioPharma Dive informs us,
    • The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved a third vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus, clearing a shot from biotechnology company Moderna one year after granting a green light to vaccines from GSK and Pfizer.
    • The vaccine, dubbed mResvia, is for the prevention of disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, in adults 60 years of age and older. Experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are expected to meet next month to provide recommendations on the shot’s use. Moderna had said it expects the vaccine to be available in time for the fall immunization season in the U.S.
  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) adds,
    • “The RSV vaccine is not currently an annual vaccine, meaning people do not need to get a dose every RSV season. Currently, CDC recommends only a single dose of RSV vaccine for adults ages 60 and older, using shared clinical decision-making. Additional surveillance and evaluation activities are ongoing to determine whether older adults might benefit from receiving additional RSV vaccines in the future. So far, RSV vaccines appear to provide some protection for at least two RSV seasons.”

From the public health and medical research front,

  • HHS posted a “Fact Sheet: In Response to H5N1, HHS and USDA Focus on Protecting Farmworkers.” For more information on the ongoing response, please visit FDACDC, and USDA’s ongoing H5N1 update pages.
  • STAT News reports,
    • “There are a lot of reasons why updated data on Pfizer’s Lorbrena, a treatment for non-small cell lung cancer, might not seem to be a big deal. The results are an update on the clinical trial that resulted in the Food and Drug Administration granting Lorbrena full approval in 2021, so in a sense they are not even that new. For Pfizer investors, Lorbrena isn’t that big a deal, either. The medicine, for patients whose lung tumors have particular genetic mutations, generated only $575 million last year — an amount that is up 57% from the year prior, but that still constitutes only 1% of the drug giant’s annual sales.
    • “But there is one number that makes the Lorbrena data quite eye-catching: In the updated data, the daily pill decreased the risk that cancer would progress or that a patient would die by 81% over five years.
    • “That’s a stunning number, especially when one considers that Lorbrena was not being compared to an inert placebo but to Xalkori, another Pfizer targeted cancer drug.
    • “Put a different way, 60% of the patients who received Lorbrena were alive and had not seen their tumors progress in the five years of the study, compared to 8% who received Xalkori.
    • “The data are being presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
  • BioPharma Dive informs us,
    • “People with chronic myeloid leukemia, a simmering cancer of the bone marrow, are often treated with one of several targeted drugs that, over the past two decades, have helped to substantially prolong survival from the disease.
    • “Study results revealed Friday suggest that Scemblix, the newest of those therapies, can be both safer and more effective, potentially supporting wider use of it as an initial treatment. The results are from a late-stage clinical trial run by Scemblix’s maker, Novartis, and will be presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting.
    • “In the trial, dubbed ASC4FIRST, Scemblix led to treatment responses in significantly more participants than did other targeted drugs, which included the mainstay therapy Gleevec as well as more recently introduced medicines. Additionally, more people given Novartis’ drug experienced what’s called a “deep molecular response,” which over time can be considered a remission and allow treatment to be stopped.
    • “Study researchers also reported “markedly favorable safety and tolerability” for Scemblix, compared to Gleevec and the other so-called kinase inhibitors it was tested against.”
  • Medscape notes,
    • A personalized diet, created by integrating microbiome analysis with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, is a promising approach to the management of irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) symptoms, leading to enhanced symptom relief and greater gut microbiome diversity than a standard low–fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP) diet, new research suggests.
  • and
    • “About 9 out of 10 people will have a genetic difference in their DNA that can impact how they respond to common medications,” said Emily J. Cicali, PharmD, a clinical associate at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Gainesville, Florida.
    • “Cicali is the clinical director of UF Health’s MyRx, a virtual program that gives Florida and New Jersey residents access to pharmacogenetic (PGx) tests plus expert interpretation by the health system’s pharmacists. Genetic factors are thought to contribute to about 25% or more of inappropriate drug responses or adverse events, said Kristin Wiisanen, PharmD, dean of the College of Pharmacy at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago, Illinois.
    • “Pharmacogenetics helps consumers avoid drugs that may not work well for them or could cause serious adverse events. It’s personalized medicine,” Cicali said.
    • “Through a cheek swab or blood sample, the MyRx program — and a growing number of health system programs, doctors’ offices, and home tests available across the United States — gives consumers a window on inherited gene variants that can affect how their body activates, metabolizes, and clears away medications from a long list of widely used drugs.”
  • The Wall Street Journal recounts the experiences of readers months after stopping GLP-1 drug treatment.

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • The Employee Benefit Research Institute relates.
    • According to findings of the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)/Greenwald Research Consumer Engagement in Health Care Survey, most plan enrollees are satisfied with their health plan, but high-deductible health plan (HDHP) enrollees are less likely to be extremely or very satisfied than traditional plan enrollees.
    • HDHP and traditional plan enrollees are both satisfied with the quality of care received and choice of doctors.
    • Differences in overall satisfaction may be driven by cost sharing. HDHP enrollees are less likely than traditional plan enrollees to be extremely/very satisfied with out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs and other health care services.
  • Beckers Hospital Review reports,
    • “The Justice Department has rejected bankrupt Dallas-based Steward Health Care’s suggested auction timeline for its physician group Stewardship Health to be sold to UnitedHealth Group’s subsidiary Optum. 
    • “In a May 28 bankruptcy court filing, obtained by Becker’s, Brian Boynton, principal deputy attorney general for the justice department, detailed how the debtor-in-possession financial deal between Steward and its landlord Medical Properties Trust interferes with the health system’s “obligation to comply with the United States’ antitrust review” of the Stewardship Health, Optum deal and should not be approved.”
  • and calls attention to an American Hospital Association report identifying the inpatient and outpatient services that are biggest money losers for hospitals.
  • Healthcare Dive points out,
    • “Most of the nation’s leading nonprofit healthcare providers reported progress toward financial recovery during earnings for the quarter ended March 31.
    • “However, improvements varied widely by health system, and the industry at large has a long way to go before it is back to profitability levels enjoyed pre-pandemic — if it fully rebounds at all, analysts told Healthcare Dive.
    • “Nonprofits struggled with cost challenges, confirming reports from analysts at credit rating agencies Moody’s Ratings and Fitch Ratings that predicted expenses, particularly labor costs, would continue to vex providers in 2024.
    • “Analysts also expected this year to bring a bifurcated financial recovery for the sector, where health systems that could successfully contain costs would recover more quickly.
    • “With early financial data now in for 2024, that expectation appears to be playing out.”

Tuesday Tidbits

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

From Washington, DCm

  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “House Democratic leaders said they would block any effort to remove Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.), moving to protect the Republican leader from retaliation by his hard-right flank following the passage of a sweeping foreign-aid package that included funding for Ukraine.”
  • This is a smart move because accord to what the FEHBlog has been reading, the Democrats are likely to retake the House of Representatives in the fall election.
  • The Journal also relates,
    • “The Federal Trade Commission is challenging hundreds of pharmaceutical patent listings in an effort to smooth the path to more affordable alternatives to brand-name drugs—including blockbusters such as Ozempic and Victoza.
      • “The crackdown is the latest assault against what the agency regards as drugmakers’ patent ploys intended to stall generic competition.
      • “At issue is what is called the Orange Book, a document published by the Food and Drug Administration that lists patents relevant to brand-name pharmaceuticals. Under a law meant to encourage generics, if a generics maker can successfully challenge listed patents, it can be granted a period of exclusivity before other generics are approved. But a challenge to an Orange Book patent, should a brand-name manufacturer decide to fight in court, also delays a generic’s approval for 30 months.
      • “The FTC says that drugmakers needlessly list oodles of extra patents in the Orange Book, delaying generic alternatives and artificially keeping prices high.”
  • HealthLeaders Media adds,
    • “Medicare Part D saved nearly $15 billion over six years with the use of “skinny label” generics, a new report says.
    • “However, the program is imperiled by a lawsuit claiming patent infringement, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School said in a research letter published on Monday in Annals of Internal Medicine.
    • “The researchers are urging Congress to “reinforce the skinny-label pathway by creating a safe harbor that protects manufacturers engaged in skinny labeling from induced patent infringement laws.”
    • Skinny labels permit the use of generics for conditions that are not specified by brand-name drug makers and allow the cheaper generics to enter the market before the patent of the brand-name drug expires. 
  •  The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force finalized a breast cancer screening recommendation today.
    • The Task Force now recommends that all women get screened for breast cancer every other year starting at age 40 [previously age 50 for USPSTF purposes and 40 for Affordable Care Act purposes] and continuing through age 74. This is a B grade. More research is needed about whether and how additional screening might help women with dense breasts stay healthy and on the benefits and harms of screening in women older than 75. These are I statements.
  • The New York Times adds,
    • “In 2009, the task force raised the age for starting routine mammograms to 50 from 40, sparking wide controversy. At the time, researchers were concerned that earlier screening would do more harm than good, leading to unnecessary treatment in younger women, including alarming findings that lead to anxiety-producing procedures that are invasive but ultimately unnecessary.
    • “But now breast cancer rates among women in their 40s are on the rise, increasing by 2 percent a year between 2015 and 2019, said Dr. John Wong, vice chair of the task force. The panel continues to recommend screening every two years for women at average risk of breast cancer, though many patients and providers prefer annual screening. * * *
    • “Weighing in again on a hotly debated topic, the task force also said there was not enough evidence to endorse extra scans, such as ultrasounds or magnetic resonance imaging, for women with dense breast tissue.
    • “That means that insurers do not have to provide full coverage of additional screening for these women, whose cancers can be missed by mammograms alone and who are at higher risk for breast cancer to begin with. About half of all women aged 40 and older fall into this category.”
  • For Affordable Care Act preventive services coverage purposes, HHS’s Human Resources and Services Administration, not the USPSTF, is the final decision maker regarding the scope of women’s healthcare preventive services.

From the public health and medical research fronts,

  • STAT News lets us know today.
    • “Research is still being done to determine if all pasteurization techniques — there are multiple approaches — inactivate the [H5N1] virus. But the findings so far are reassuring. Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., have reported that while they could find genetic evidence of the virus in milk bought in stores, they could not grow live viruses from that milk, suggesting pasteurization kills H5N1. * * *
    • “But given the concentration of virus that researchers are seeing in milk from infected cows, they believe that raw milk — milk that has not been pasteurized — is an entirely different story.
    • “If cows that produce milk destined for the raw milk market got infected with H5N1, people who consume that milk could drink a large dose of the virus, scientists say. Thijs Kuiken, a pathologist in the department of viroscience at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, said he’s heard of concentrations that would be the equivalent of a billion virus particles per milliliter of milk. He told STAT he thought authorities should ban raw milk sales while the outbreak is underway.”
  • The Washington Post reports,
    • “Postpartum depression is a leading cause of maternal death, but its diagnosis and treatment is spotty at best, negligent at worst.
    • “Now San Diego-based start-up Dionysus Digital Health is pitching a blood test to check for the condition, even before symptoms appear. The company says it has pinpointed a gene linking a person’s moods more closely to hormonal changes. The test uses machine learning to compare epigenetics — how genes are expressed — in your blood sample with benchmarks developed during a decade of research into pregnant people who did and didn’t develop postpartum depression.
    • “Researchers at Dionysus’s academic partners, the Royal’s Institute of Mental Health Research and UVA Health, have published peer-reviewedpapers affirming their findings, and the company is partnering with the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health for clinical trials, with the eventual goal of making the $250 test widely available and covered by insurance.” 
  • The National Institutes of Health announced,
    • Sleep apnea and low oxygen levels while sleeping are associated with epilepsy that first occurs after 60 years of age, known as late-onset epilepsy, according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in Sleep. The link was independent of other known risk factors for late-onset epilepsy and sleep apnea including hypertension and stroke. The findings may help to better understand the relationship between sleep disorders and late-onset epilepsy, as well as identify potential targets for treatment.
    • “There’s increasing evidence that late-onset epilepsy may be indicative of underlying vascular disease, or neurodegenerative disease, even potentially as a preclinical marker of neurodegenerative disease,” said Rebecca Gottesman, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the Stroke Branch at the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), and an author on the study. “Compared to other age groups, older adults have the highest incidence of new cases of epilepsy – up to half of which have no clear cause. Sleep apnea is common among people with epilepsy, but the association is not well understood.”
  • and
    • “Researchers have discovered that the smooth muscle cells that line the arteries of people with atherosclerosis can change into new cell types and develop traits similar to cancer that worsen the disease. Atherosclerosis is characterized by a narrowing of arterial walls and can increase risk of coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, or kidney disorders. The findings, supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), could pave the way for the use of anti-cancer drugs to counteract the tumor-like mechanisms driving the buildup of plaque in the arteries, the major cause of cardiovascular disease.
    • “This discovery opens up a whole new dimension for our understanding about therapeutic strategies for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis,” said Ahmed Hasan, M.D., Ph.D., program director in the Division of Cardiovascular Sciences at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, part of NIH. “Previous research has suggested that atherosclerosis and cancer may share some similarities, but this association has not been fully described until now.”
  • The Wall Street Journal tells us,
    • “An emerging field of research called chrononutrition indicates that choosing the right foods and meal times may improve our sleep. Some key findings: Eat dinner early. Keep consistent schedules. And, yes, drink milk.
    • You already know that fruits, veggies and lean protein are good for your health. But they can boost your sleep, too. These foods are the basis for the Mediterranean diet, which research shows may improve sleep quality, reduce sleep disturbances and boost sleep efficiency—the amount of time you spend asleep when you are in bed.” 

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Healthcare Dive informs us,
    • “Walmart is closing its network of health clinics after failing to make them profitable, in a major setback for the retail giant’s push into healthcare.”Walmart is closing its network of health clinics after failing to make them profitable, in a major setback for the retail giant’s push into healthcare.
    • “Walmart Health launched as a one-store pilot in Georgia in 2019, and has since grown to 51 centers in five states, along with a virtual care offering. Yet the network has shown recent signs of trouble: Earlier this month, Walmart decelerated its expansion plans for the centers, which offer inexpensive, fixed-cost medical services like primary and dental care.
    • “Walmart is now closing the clinics entirely due to a challenging reimbursement environment and escalating operating costs resulting in a lack of profitability, according to a Tuesday press release. * * *
    • “In the end of Walmart Health illustrates that size alone is not a recipe for success in providing health services, according to Forrester’s Trzcinski. Walmart is the largest retailer in the U.S., with revenue of $648 billion in its most recent fiscal year.
    • “Despite building out the clinics, Walmart didn’t invest in driving adoption, including through digital health and customer experience, Trzcinski said. That caused it to fall behind other retailers that are surging ahead, such as Amazon and CVS.”
  • Per BioPharma Dive,
    • “Eli Lilly raised its revenue forecast for the year by $2 billion as sales of its GLP-1 medicines for diabetes and obesity continue to climb rapidly amid surging demand.
    • “The Indianapolis drugmaker currently can’t make its drugs Mounjaro and Zepbound fast enough, indicating in an earnings statement Tuesday that sales growth will “primarily be a function of the quantity the company can produce and ship.”
    • “Lilly is expanding manufacturing and expects greater capacity in the second half of the year. Revenue from Mounjaro, which is sold for diabetes, totaled $1.8 billion in the first quarter, while Zepbound revenue hit $517 million in its first full quarter on the U.S. market as an obesity treatment.”
  • and
    • “Lilly and Novo [Nordisk] aim to maintain their current hold on the market. Both companies are testing several experimental drugs with the goal of launching oral versions or even more effective treatments than their current products.
    • “Novo is already close to completing a Phase 3 trial program testing an oral form of Wegovy. It also has in late-stage development a combination of Wegovy with a compound called cagrilintide that acts on a gut hormone called amylin.
    • “Lilly has two drugs in Phase 3: an oral GLP-1 dubbed orforglipron that is approaching key data readouts next year and an injectable treatment called retatrutide that stimulates GLP-1, GIP and a third hormone known as glucagon. Results in obesity are due in 2026.
    • “Lilly has four experimental drugs in Phase 1 or 2, while Novo has five.
    • “[Lilly and Novo] cover all the bases,” said Clive Meanwell, CEO of Metsera, a newly launched startup that has two obesity drugs in clinical testing. “Our belief is it’s going to be a portfolio play, with mix and match, with different clinical circumstances and different markets.”
    • The article discusses similar projects from other companies.
  • Beckers Payer Issues reports,
    • “CMS and the NCQA are extending the quality data submission deadline for health plans by two weeks due to “extraordinary circumstances” caused by the cyberattack on Change Healthcare in late February.
    • “Payers will now have until 5pm Eastern Time on June 28 to report their performance on Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures to the two organizations, according to an April 29 memo from CMS. * * *
    • “The Change Healthcare cyberattack has created unprecedented challenges to healthcare organizations across the country,” Eric Schneider, MD, EVP, Quality Measurement and Research Group at NCQA, said in a statement to Becker’s. “This disruptive incident, falling in the middle of the substantial effort and commitment required for quality reporting efforts, has significantly strained resources. Recognizing these extraordinary circumstances and in alignment with CMS, we are granting a deadline extension for the submission of HEDIS Measurement Year 2023 results.” 

Thursday Miscellany

Photo by Josh Mills on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • Per HHS press releases, HHS issued the following proposed rules released today (links are to fact sheets);
    • a proposed rule to update Medicare payment policies and rates for the Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities Prospective Payment System (IPF PPS) for fiscal year (FY) 2025,
  • and
    • a proposed rule (CMS-1810-P) that would update Medicare hospice payments and the aggregate cap amount for fiscal year (FY) 2025,
  • and
    • “a proposed rule that would update Medicare payment policies and rates for skilled nursing facilities under the Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System (SNF PPS) for fiscal year (FY) 2025.” 
  • Here is the fact sheet for the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and the Treasury (collectively, the Departments) final rules regarding short-term, limited-duration insurance (STLDI) and independent, noncoordinated excepted benefits coverage under the Affordable Care Act released today. 
  • Per the American Medical Association News,
    • The Office of Management and Budget March 28 released its final updated standards for Federal agencies on maintaining, collecting and presenting data on race and ethnicity. Last updated in 1997, the revised Statistical Policy Directive Number 15 is the product of an OMB Interagency Technical Working Group on Race and Ethnicity Standards. While SPD 15 does not mandate race and ethnicity data collection by federal agencies, it requires federal agencies to adhere to standardized data definitions, collection and presentation practices wherever they do collect or use such data. Among other changes, the revised SPD 15 requires that race and ethnicity be collected using a single question with multiple responses, superseding OMB’s previous requirement to collect Hispanic ethnicity as a separate question. In addition, SPD 15 adds a category for Middle Eastern or North African (MENA) as a minimum reporting category and requires federal agencies to collect more detailed information on race and ethnicity beyond the seven minimum reporting categories. However, agencies may request and receive exemptions from OMB in instances where the potential benefit of more detailed data do not justify the additional burden to the agency or the public, or where the collection of more detailed data would threaten privacy or confidentiality. 
    • The updated SPD 15 is effective immediately. However, federal agencies have until March 28, 2029, to bring existing data collection and reporting activities into compliance with the updated SPD 15 and must submit action plans to OMB on how they will comply with the requirements by Sep. 28, 2025.
  • OPM made a passing reference to this guidance today on the second day 0f the OPM carrier conference.
  • The Labor Department’s Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs issued “Updated Annual Hiring Benchmark and New Benchmark Resources” for the veteran’s affirmative action in employment law that applies to FEHB carriers.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • Mercer discusses weight management in the era of GLP-1 drugs.
  • The NIH Director, in her blog, points out that an “Immune Checkpoint Discovery Has Implications for Treating Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases.”
  • The Washington Post reports,
    • “Diabetes, air pollution and alcohol consumption could be the biggest risk factors for dementia, study has found.
    • “Researchers compared modifiable risk factors for dementia — which is characterized by the impairment of memory, thinking and reasoning — and studied how these factors appear to affect certain brain regions that are already particularly vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.
    • “The research, based on brain scans of nearly 40,000 adults, between ages 44 and 82, in Britain was published Wednesday in Nature Communications.”
  • Health Day informs us,
    • “Some folks struggling with obesity appear to be hampered by their own genes when it comes to working off those extra pounds, a new study finds.
    • “People with a higher genetic risk of obesity have to exercise more to avoid becoming unhealthily heavy, researchers discovered.
    • “Genetic background contributes to the amount of physical activity needed to mitigate obesity. The higher the genetic risk, the more steps needed per day,” said senior researcher Douglas Ruderfer, director of the Center for Digital Genomic Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.”
  • MedPage Today lets us know,
    • “For adults who are immunocompromised, the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine reduced risk of hospitalization compared with not getting the shot, according to CDC data.
    • “Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization was 38% in the first 7 to 59 days after receipt of the updated monovalent XBB.1.5 COVID vaccine, and 34% in the 60 to 119 days after receipt, reported Ruth Link-Gelles, PhD, of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, and colleagues in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
    • “However, despite the positive effect, only 18% of people in this high-risk population had received the updated COVID vaccine, “representing a missed opportunity to prevent severe COVID-19,” the authors wrote.”
  • Medscape notes,
    • “Starting an exercise regimen with others can be a powerful fitness motivator, and new research spotlights the strategy’s particular importance for older adults.
    • “In a randomized clinical trial in JAMA Network Open, older adults who talked with peers about their exercise program were able to increase and sustain physical activity levels much better than those who focused on self-motivation and setting fitness goals.
    • “Such self-focused — or “intrapersonal” — strategies tend to be more common in health and fitness than interactive, or “interpersonal,” ones, the study authors noted. Yet, research on their effectiveness is limited. Historically, intrapersonal strategies have been studied as part of a bundle of behavioral change strategies — a common limitation in research — making it difficult to discern their individual value.
    • “We’re not saying that intrapersonal strategies should not be used,” said study author Siobhan McMahon, PhD, associate professor and codirector of the Center on Aging Science and Care at the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, “but this study shows that interpersonal strategies are really important.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “The first major U.S. health insurers have agreed to start paying for the popular anti-obesity drug Wegovy for certain people on Medicare with heart-related conditions.
    • CVS HealthElevance Health, and Kaiser Permanente said they would cover 
    • Novo Nordisk’s Wegovy for the use of reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes in people who have cardiovascular disease, meet body-weight criteria and are covered by a Medicare drug-benefit plan.
    • “Elevance, which operates many Blue Cross and Blue Shield health plans, also said it would extend coverage to people insured by a commercial plan.
    • “Some of the plans, including Kaiser Permanente’s, are making the coverage change effective immediately, while others, including those served by Elevance, will do so in the coming weeks.”
  • Axios informs us,
    • “The federal process for resolving billing disputes for out-of-network care has to date yielded payouts well above what Medicare and most in-network private insurers would pay providers, according to a new Brookings Institution analysis provided first to Axios. 
    • Why it matters: That could lead to downstream effects like higher premiums — quite the opposite of what Congress intended when it passed a law banning surprise medical bills in 2020.
    • What they found: Brookings analyzed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data on arbitration decisions to settle disputed claims during the first half of 2023. 
    • “Researchers specifically focused on emergency care, imaging and neonatal and pediatric critical care.
    • “Across the three categories, median payouts were at least 3.7 times what Medicare would pay, Brookings found. 
    • “For emergency care and imaging, the median decision was at least 50% higher than the most generous payments commercial plans historically made, on average, for in-network care. 
    • “Similar estimates weren’t available for neonatal and pediatric critical care.
    • “The analysis concludes that there is a “realistic possibility” that the law will wind up raising in-network prices and, in turn, premiums.
    • “That’s the opposite of what the Congressional Budget Office predicted would happen.”
  • Interesting study but its conclusion is undercut by the fact that many providers accept the qualifying payment amount the the plans initially pay under the No Surprises Act.
  • Per Healthcare Dive,
    • Walgreens reported an almost $6 billion net loss in the second quarter, according to financial results released Thursday. Nearly all of that sum was attributable to the declining value of a single play: VillageMD, the primary care chain into which Walgreens has poured billions of dollars, but which has generated disappointing returns to date.
    • Walgreens was forced to write down VillageMD’s value after its financial team flagged a mismatch in the subsidiary’s value as recorded in its balance sheet and its value in the market, CFO Manmohan Mahajan told investors on a Thursday morning call. That discrepancy led Walgrens to record a $5.8 billion goodwill impairment charge.
  • and
    • “UCI Health has completed its $975 million purchase of four Southern California hospitals from Tenet Healthcare, the academic health system said Tuesday. Tenet announced the sale in February as part of an ongoing effort to fund debt repayment.”
  • and
    • “Ascension has signed a definitive agreement to divest three hospitals and an ambulatory surgical center in northern Michigan to MyMichigan Health, the health systems said Tuesday. 
    • “The deal includes Ascension St. Mary’s in Saginaw, Ascension St. Joseph in Tawas City, Ascension St. Mary’s in Standish and ambulatory surgery center and emergency department Ascension St. Mary’s Towne Center in Saginaw. Related care sites and physician practices are also included. 
    • “Ascension has recently sold other hospitals as the nonprofit expands its ambulatory and telehealth footprint.”

Thursday Miscellany

Photo by Josh Mills on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • Roll Call reports,
    • “Lawmakers released a more than $1.2 trillion, six-bill appropriations package early Thursday morning, less than 48 hours ahead of a Friday night deadline for this second and final wrapup measure for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1. 
    • “Both parties were touting “wins” in the package well before unveiling the massive 1,012-page bill, which had already won President Joe Biden’s blessing and pledge to sign it “immediately.” That, plus the lure of a two-week recess, should help get the package over the finish line, though it seems likely to slip past the 11:59 p.m. Friday cutoff for the current stopgap spending law.
    • “But lawmakers weren’t really sweating the prospect of a weekend funding lapse, given its limited impact on government operations — especially with Friday’s expected House passage likely to be a strong signal of congressional intent to keep the lights on.”
  • The bill includes appropriations for OPM (pages 247 – 250) and its Inspector General (page 250) plus the three now standard appropriations measures:
    • A prohibition against imposing full Cost Accounting Standards coverage on FEHB carriers. Division B, Section 611, page 268.
    • The Hyde amendment limiting FEHB coverage of abortions to cases “where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.” Division B, Section 613 and 614, pages 268 – 269.
    • A contraceptive prescription drug coverage mandate with conscience protections for FEHB plans and healthcare providers. Division B, Section 726, page 298.
  • The American Hospital Association News discusses HHS appropriations, which also are included in this bill.
    • “The House may vote on the measure Friday, with Senate action expected over the weekend. A short government shutdown may occur over the weekend, depending how long it takes both chambers to pass the measure and for President Biden to sign it into law.” 
  • Govexec points out “the nine biggest agency and program reforms in the final FY24 spending package.”
  • The Wall Street Journal scoops,
    • “Some Medicare members could get help paying for the popular new weight-loss drug Wegovy—as long as they have a history of heart disease and are using it to prevent recurring heart attacks and strokes.
    • “Medicare Part D drug-benefit plans—which are administered by private insurers—may cover anti-obesity medications if the drugs receive approval for an additional use that is considered medically accepted under federal law, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. * * *
    • “Some Medicare members could get help paying for the popular new weight-loss drug Wegovy—as long as they have a history of heart disease and are using it to prevent recurring heart attacks and strokes.
    • “Medicare Part D drug-benefit plans—which are administered by private insurers—may cover anti-obesity medications if the drugs receive approval for an additional use that is considered medically accepted under federal law, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday.”
  • STAT News adds,
    • “Early data regarding the use of GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Wegovy to treat addiction is “very, very, exciting,” Nora Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, said Thursday.
    • “But even as she expressed enthusiasm for the new drugs’ potential, Volkow criticized pharmaceutical companies for neglecting a moral imperative to develop new addiction treatments — but acknowledged that the health system more broadly doesn’t incentivize drug companies to treat the U.S. drug crisis with urgency.”
  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force finalized its research plan for re-evaluating its September 2019 recommendations on the topic of medications to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • Beckers Health IT interviews Alexandra Mugge, chief health informatics officer at CMS, about the agency’s efforts “to expedite prior authorizations, through digitization and better data exchange, saving the healthcare industry $15 billion over a decade — in the hopes of one day having the decisions made instantaneously, right in the EHR.”

From the Food and Drug Administration front,

  • Per a press release,
    • “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Duvyzat (givinostat) oral medication for the treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) in patients six years of age and older. Duvyzat is the first nonsteroidal drug approved to treat patients with all genetic variants of DMD. It is a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor that works by targeting pathogenic processes to reduce inflammation and loss of muscle.
    • “DMD denies the opportunity for a healthy life to the children it affects. The FDA is committed to advancing the development of new therapies for DMD,” said Emily Freilich, M.D., director of the Division of Neurology 1, Office of Neuroscience in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “This approval provides another treatment option to help reduce the burden of this progressive, devastating disease for individuals impacted by DMD regardless of genetic mutation.”
  • MedTech Dive informs us,
    • Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Abiomed recalled its Impella left sided blood pumps for risk that the devices could perforate the heart during a procedure. The recall began on Dec. 27 with Abiomed updating its instructions for use.
    • The Food and Drug Administration identified the recall as a Class I event, the most serious type of recall, in a Thursday notice. The agency has received 129 reports of serious injuries, including 49 deaths, related to the problem. 
    • Abiomed’s Impella heart pumps, which are used to support the heart during procedures or during cardiogenic shock, were the subject of four Class I recalls last year, including the latest recall. The company also received an FDA warning letter for quality problems with Impella and software used in the device that had not been authorized by the agency.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The CDC shares with us,
    • Data from the National Vital Statistics System
      • Life expectancy for the U.S. population in 2022 was 77.5 years, an increase of 1.1 years from 2021.
      • The age-adjusted death rate decreased by 9.2% from 879.7 deaths per 100,000 standard population in 2021 to 798.8 in 2022.
      • Age-specific death rates increased from 2021 to 2022 for age groups 1–4 and 5–14 years and decreased for all age groups 15 years and older.
      • The 10 leading causes of death in 2022 remained the same as in 2021, although some causes changed ranks. Heart disease and cancer remained the top 2 leading causes in 2022.
      • The infant mortality rate was 560.4 infant deaths per 100,000 live births in 2022, an increase of 3.1% from the rate in 2021 (543.6).
  • STAT News adds,
    • “The U.S. recorded 107,941 drug overdose deaths in 2022, according to a new federal report — a total that marks an all-time record but also shows signs that the country’s overdose rate may finally be leveling off after years of steady increase.
    • “The 2022 total marks only a slight increase from the drug death toll of 106,699 the year before, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The flattening of drug death rates could provide a rare glimmer of hope amid the bleak U.S. drug crisis, which has seen overdose rates rise inexorably for the past two decades and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    • “A large majority of those deaths were driven by the potent synthetic opioid fentanyl. Since emerging in the drug supply in the mid-2010s, fentanyl has increasingly come to dominate the U.S. illicit drug market. Even as fentanyl deaths have skyrocketed, the share of deaths involving other opioids — like heroin, methadone, and prescription painkillers — has decreased.”
  • The Washington Post reports,
    • “After once losing hope because of end-stage kidney disease, a 62-year-old man is now the first living person to receive a genetically edited kidney from a pig, according to doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital who performed the landmark surgery Saturday.
    • “Richard Slayman, whom doctors praised for his courage, is doing well after the four-hour surgery and is expected to be discharged from the Boston hospital soon, officials said.
    • “The advance, which builds on decades of work, gives hope to the hundreds of thousands of Americans who depend on dialysis machines to do the work of their failing kidneys. Each day, 17 Americans die awaiting a kidney transplant, a problem further complicated by unequal access given to Black and other patients. Doctors expressed hope that using pigs to vastly increase the supply of kidneys might correct the inequity.”
  • The Wall Street Journal lets us know,
    • “A new class of anticoagulant drugs on the horizon is taking fresh aim at one of cardiology’s toughest challenges: how to prevent blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes, without leaving patients at risk of bleeding.
    • “At least a half-dozen experimental blood thinners are in development that inhibit a protein called factor XI, one of several blood factors that regulate how the body forms clots. * * *
    • “Any factor XI agent that reaches the market would likely represent an important advance over drugs called factor Xa inhibitors, a blockbuster class of medicines dominated by Eliquis and Xarelto. Since they were approved just over a decade ago, these drugs have supplanted warfarin as the standard-of-care anticoagulant to prevent stroke in patients with the heart-rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation as well as other indications.”
  • HealthDay informs us,
    • “About 1 in every 10 U.S. children ages 5 to 17 has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to the latest government statistics.
    • “The data from the National Health Interview Survey covers the years 2020 through 2022 and came from in-person or phone interviews involving a representative sample of American homes.
    • “It found that 11.3% of school-age children have been diagnosed with ADHD, with boys more likely to have this diagnosis (14.5%) than girls (8%), according to report authors Cynthia Reuben and Nazik Elgaddal, of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
    • “ADHD is diagnosed more often among white children (13.4%) than Black youngsters (10.8%) or Hispanic (8.9%) kids, the survey also showed. 
    • “Family income seemed to matter, too:  As income levels rose, the rate of child ADHD diagnoses declined.”
  • WTW, an actuarial consulting firm, offers insights on hepatitis C, HPV vaccine and value based insurance design.

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • STAT News reports,
    • “The last decade has seen billions of dollars flow into digital health companies that promise to improve outcomes for the 38 million Americans living with type 2 diabetes. Their products aren’t cheap, but in the long term, they pitch to health plans and employers that these digital tools will help cut health care costs by preventing serious complications like amputation and kidney failure.
    • A systematic review by the Peterson Health Technology Institute found, though, that digital tools used to manage diabetes with the help of finger-stick blood glucose readings don’t result in clinically meaningful improvements over standard care. As a result, they don’t reduce health care spending — they drive it up.
    • “Most of the solutions in this category do not deliver clinical benefits that justify their cost,” Caroline Pearson, executive director of the institute, told STAT. Despite finding that some populations may benefit, the report concludes that current evidence doesn’t support broader adoption for most products.”
  • Plan Sponsor notes,
    • “In the face of rising health care expenditures and out-of-pocket spending, average health savings account balances have also steadily increased since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new data from the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
    • “The average HSA balance rose to $4,418 at the end of 2022 from $2,711 at the start of the year, the most recent data available in EBRI’s database, given that participants can still contribute to 2023 HSAs until taxes are due in April.
    • “Jake Spiegel, a research associate at EBRI, says he sees this trend continuing in 2023 and into the start of 2024 as well.
    • “EBRI’s analysis revealed two predominant factors associated with higher average account balances. The first was that age is strongly associated with higher HSA balances: the older the accountholder, the higher the average balance.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review lets us know,
    • “Change Healthcare said it has reinstated Amazon cloud services for two of its platforms a month into a cyberattack against the company.
    • “The UnitedHealth Group and Optum subsidiary said March 20 it restored Amazon Web Services from backups for Assurance, a claims and remittance management program, and claims clearinghouse Relay Exchange. Change said it rebuilt authentication services for the solutions on a new network with the help of cybersecurity firms Palo Alto Networks and Mandiant, a Google subsidiary. The company said it is also testing the security of the external-facing parts of those applications.”
  • Per the Society for Human Resource Management,
    • “Employees are experiencing more mental health struggles and overall negative feelings about their work, underscoring an “urgent need” for employers to take more aggressive measures to help with their benefits offerings.
    • “Employees are now more likely to experience negative feelings at work, including stress (12 percent more likely) and burnout (17 percent more likely) than they were pre-pandemic (2019), according to new data from MetLife. Employees are also 51 percent more likely to feel depressed at work than they were pre-pandemic as they face what the insurer calls a “complex macro environment and permacrisis state”—a state which has included the pandemic, persistent high inflation, international turmoil and war, and more.
    • “Those are among the findings in MetLife’s 22nd annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study, released March 18—data indicating that employers may have to revisit benefits offerings to not only support employees, but retain them.”
  • HR Dive explains “How menopausal and other reproductive health benefits can help retain women” and “Data shows that fertility treatments are extremely valuable to workers who need them. Here’s why one people officer is working on integrating them.”
  • STAT News relates,
    • “Just as Pfizer spooked Wall Street after its record pandemic revenue came parabolically back to earth, BioNTech, the company’s Covid-19 vaccine partner, is now dealing with investor malaise of its own.
    • “Shares in the German firm fell about 5% yesterday, hitting a 52-week low, after the company reported disappointing financials. BioNTech’s cut of Covid vaccine revenue fell by about more than three-quarters last year, missing analyst estimates and leading the company to lower its projections for 2024.
    • “Now BioNTech, much like Pfizer, is making the case that its future in oncology will compensate for the rapid erosion in demand for Covid vaccines. The company has more than 20 cancer medicines in its pipeline, including late-stage treatments for tumors of the breast and lung that could hit the market in the next two years.”
  • Per Healthcare Dive,
    • “Walgreens-backed VillageMD sold 11 locations in Rhode Island to Boston-based medical group management firm Arches Medical Partners for an undisclosed sumArches said Wednesday.
    • “The practices, which include about 75,000 patients, joined Arches on March 2, according to VillageMD’s website. 
    • “The deal follows VillageMD clinic closures. The primary care chain recently exited Florida — once one of chain’s largest markets — and plans to withdraw from its home state in Illinois next month.”

Tuesday’s Tidbits

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • The FEHBlog listened to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s markup of HR 6283, the Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging Act. Is there such as thing as fair gouging? In any case, the FEHBlog was relieved by the amount of bipartisan opposition to the bill. However, as explained in this STAT News article, the Committee Chairman James Comer (R Ky) steered an amended version of the original bill through his Committee this morning. Like Committee members with doubts about the bill, the FEHBlog looks forward to the Congress Budget Office report on the measure.
  • The American Hospital Association (AHA) News reports
    • “In a statement submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee for a hearing Feb. 6 on chronic drug shortages, AHA recommended Congress enact legislation to diversify manufacturing sites and sources for critical pharmaceutical ingredients; support an increase in end-user and supply chain inventories for critical medications; develop a rating system for drug maker quality management processes; identify essential drugs needing more domestic manufacturing capacity; and require drug makers to disclose where their products are made and when demand for essential drugs spikes.” 
  • and
    • “The Health Resources and Services Administration Feb. 6 requested vendor proposals to support changes to governance, technology and operation of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, as authorized by Congress last year. HRSA also directed the current OPTN vendor, the United Network for Organ Sharing, to standardize and update data reporting for greater accountability and equity in organ procurement and transplant practices. HRSA indicates that the scope and scale of the contract awards will be contingent on final 2024 appropriations.”
  • The Department of Health and Human Services announced,
    • releasing the National Public Health Strategy to Prevent and Control Vector-Borne Diseases in People (VBD National Strategy). As directed by the 2019 Kay Hagan Tick Act—named after the U.S. Senator who died due to complications from a tickborne illness—HHS led a four-year process with civilian agencies and defense departments to deliver this strategy. Co-led by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the strategy identifies and describes federal priorities to detect, prevent, respond to, and control diseases and conditions caused by vectors in the United States.
    • “Vector-borne diseases are a global threat, with national security, economic, and health implications for the United States. As the federal government continues to proactively strengthen its response to this threat, HHS and CDC plan to develop future iterations of the VBD National Strategy with opportunities for public engagement. Read the VBD National Strategy.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review tells us,
    • “Respiratory syncytial virus vaccinations could soon extend to adults aged 50-59. 
    • “Arexvy, which was initially approved by the FDA in May 2023 for administration in adults over 60, has been granted priority review in the U.S. for use in adults ages 50-59.
    • “If approved, it will become the first RSV vaccine available for the age group, according to a Feb. 6 news release. 
    • “The FDA is slated to make a decision on the drug’s approval for the new age group by June 7.”

From the public health and medical research front,

  • Medscape informs us,
    • “Lowering the recommended age for baseline prostate-specific antigen (PSA) would reduce prostate cancer deaths by about 30% in Black men without significantly increasing the rate of overdiagnosis, according to new screening guidelines from the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
    • “Specifically, baseline PSA testing in Black men should begin at age 40-45, sooner than current guidelines recommend, and should be followed by regular screening intervals, preferably annually, at least until age 70, a multidisciplinary panel of experts and patient advocates determined based on a comprehensive literature review.”
  • Per the Food and Drug Administration,
    • On Monday, the FDA issued an outbreak advisory warning consumers not to eat, sell, or serve recalled brands of cheeses, sour creams (cremas), or yogurts manufactured by Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. The FDA and CDC, in collaboration with state and local partners, are investigating illnesses in a multi-year, multistate outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections linked to queso fresco and cotija cheeses manufactured by Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc., of Modesto, California. There are 26 illnesses with 23 hospitalizations in 11 states. The firm has recalled several dairy products and has temporarily ceased the production and distribution of these products while their investigation is ongoing. The FDA’s investigation is ongoing, and the FDA will continue to update this advisory as information becomes available.”
  • Per KFF,
    • “About 1 in 5 adolescents report symptoms of anxiety or depression, according to a KFF analysis of a new federal survey of teen health.
    • “While some teens are getting mental health care, a significant share say they are not receiving the therapy they need due to costs, fear of what others will think, and/or not knowing how to get help.”
  • The American Medical Association lets us know what doctors wish their patients knew about iron deficiency.
  • Healio notes,
    • “Infants aged younger than 3 months and children with a history of prematurity experience the highest rates of hospitalization for respiratory syncytial virus, according to study findings published in Pediatrics.
    • “Last year, two new tools became available to combat RSV, the leading cause of infant hospitalization in the United States: a vaccine for pregnant people and a new monoclonal antibody.” * * *
    • “Most RSV-associated hospitalizations occurred in healthy, term infants,” Meredith L. McMorrow, MD, MPH,a researcher in the CDC’s Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division said. “This is why allbabies need protection from either maternal RSV vaccination or nirsevimab during their first RSV season.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review offers five Ozempic updates.

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • BioPharma Dive reports,
    • “Sales of Eli Lilly’s diabetes drug Mounjaro exceeded $5 billion in 2023, its first full year on the market, the company said Tuesday, in the latest sign of surging demand for the therapy and other medicines of its kind.
    • “Mounjaro’s fast launch helped drive Lilly’s revenue last year to $34 billion, a 20% increase over 2023. Fourth quarter revenue of $9.4 billion eclipsed analysts’ consensus expectations by 5%, Leerink Partners’ David Risinger wrote in a note to clients.
    • “Lilly said Mounjaro now accounts for 27% of total prescriptions in the U.S. for injectable “incretins,” the fast-selling group of drugs that work by modulating hormones that control insulin production. Sales of an older drug in this class, Lilly’s Trulicity, fell 4% in 2023 to $7 billion, but still led Lilly’s business.
    • “The obesity drug Zepbound, which contains the same active ingredient as Mounjaro, launched in the fourth quarter and brought in sales of $176 million through Dec. 31.”
  • STAT News adds,
    • “Eli Lilly reported during its fourth-quarter earnings call that tirzepatide, which is sold commercially as Mounjaro or Zepbound, succeeded in a Phase 2 test as a treatment for the liver disease MASH. Around 74% of adults in the trial taking the drug were free of MASH after 52 weeks, compared to approximately 13% of the placebo group.”
  • Wait, there’s more from Bloomberg,
    • Eli Lilly & Co.’s blockbuster diabetes drug Mounjaro, which is commonly used off-label for weight loss, is again in short supply due to increased demand.
    • “There will be limited availability of higher doses of the treatment through early March, according to a US Food and Drug Administration database that tracks shortages. So far, the FDA doesn’t list Mounjaro’s sister drug Zepbound, which is approved for weight loss, on its shortage list, though the two contain the same active ingredient.
    • “The company is continuing to ship all doses to wholesalers, but anticipates intermittent backorders of higher doses over the next month, a Lilly spokesperson said in an emailed statement. 
    • “We recognize this situation may cause a disruption in people’s treatment regimens and we are moving with urgency to address it,” the spokesperson said.”
  • BioPharma Dive points out
    • “The Japan-based pharmaceutical firm Eisai had hoped that, by the end of March, 10,000 patients in the U.S. would be taking its closely watched drug for Alzheimer’s disease. But that goal now seems lofty, following updates in the company’s latest earnings report.
    • “Eisai developed the drug, called Leqembi, in partnership with Biogen, and is leading its commercialization. As with an earlier Alzheimer’s therapy from the two companies, Leqembi’s launch started off slow. Yet Eisai and Biogen have argued that recent decisions from drug regulators and insurers should significantly increase both prescriptions and sales.
    • “Still, growth doesn’t appear to be coming as quickly as the companies want. Eisai recorded 1.1 billion yen, or roughly $7.4 million, in revenue from Leqembi between October and December — around half of what Wall Street analysts had generally expected, according to Michael Yee of the investment bank Jefferies.
    • The company also said Leqembi had been administered to a total of 2,000 U.S. patients as of Jan. 26, with another 8,000 or so on a waiting list. Eisai maintains the 10,000 patient milestone could be hit in a few months, though the team at Jefferies believes it might take longer “given launch dynamics have been slow to begin with.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review reports,
    • “San Francisco-based UCSF Health has signed a $100 million definitive agreement with San Francisco-based Dignity Health to take on two of its hospitals: Saint Francis Memorial Hospital and St. Mary’s Medical Center, both of which are in the city.”San Francisco-based UCSF Health has signed a $100 million definitive agreement with San Francisco-based Dignity Health to take on two of its hospitals: Saint Francis Memorial Hospital and St. Mary’s Medical Center, both of which are in the city.
    • UCSF Health began acquisition talks with Dignity Health, part of Chicago-based CommonSpirit Health, for the two hospitals in July. 
    • “Under the acquisition, which UCSF Health hopes to close by this spring, the hospitals will be renamed UCSF Health Saint Francis Hospital and UCSF Health St. Mary’s Hospital, respectively, according to a Feb. 5 UCSF news release.”
  • Per Healthcare Dive,
    • “Providence will refund payments and forgive outstanding medical debt for nearly 100,000 low-income Washington residents to settle a 2022 lawsuit alleging the health system skirted its charity care obligations, according to a Thursday announcement from Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson.
    • “The Renton, Washington-based operator will refund approximately $20 million to over 30,000 patients who were billed improperly and forgive $137 million for more than 65,000 additional patients, in what the AG called the “largest resolution of its kind in the country.”
    • “The settlement is the latest win for the AG, who has successfully brought other health systems into compliance with the state’s charity care law, which offers reduced or free medical care for approximately half of Washingtonians based on financial status.”
  • and
    • “Centene has become the second major health insurer to warn investors of an impending funding decrease in Medicare Advantage — if regulators finalize 2025 rates as proposed.
    • “New payment parameters released by the CMS last week would cause Centene’s MA rate to fall 1.3%, CFO Drew Asher said during a Tuesday morning call discussing the payer’s fourth-quarter earnings results.
    • “However, this dip is before Centene risk scores its enrollees, a process which should result in an overall increase in MA reimbursement next year, Asher said. Humana disclosed similar concerns in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.”

Weekend update

From Washington DC —

  • OPM and its Inspector General remind us that today is National Whistleblower Day.
    • “Whistleblowers play a critical role in promoting accountability and efficiency across the federal government. Federal employees and employees of contractors and grantees can serve as an important resource for identifying fraud, waste, and abuse.”
  • August 15 is OPM’s soft deadline for concluding 2024 benefit and rate negotiations with carriers. OPM has been announcing next year’s FEHB premiums at the end of September.
  • The FEHBlog expects a low government contribution increase for 2024 because OPM authorized Medicare Part D EGWPs in the FEHB for next year. Of course, in future years, the big Part D savings will be baked into FEHB premiums, except for the Inflation Reduction Act changes that are being phased in over the next three to four years.
  • On a related note, the Motley Fool predicts
    • Slowing inflation seems likely to cause Social Security COLAs to be much lower in 2024.
    • Higher Medicare Part B premiums could offset part of the retirees’ Social Security increase.
  • In the FEHBlog’s opinion, the Motley Fool is not going out on a limb because inflation has dropped this year, and CMS gave the green light to Medicare coverage of an expensive Alzheimer’s Disease drug, Leqembi. There’s a chance that Congress may approve Medicare coverage for expensive but effective weight loss drugs, i.e., Wegovy.

More from the Medicare front

  • Fierce Healthcare reports
    • “Most Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollees use one or more supplemental benefits, with most health plan members using multiple benefits, according to a newly released report from the Elevance Health Public Policy Institute.
    • “The report finds that 83% of dual-eligible and 75% of non-dual-eligible individuals used at least one supplemental benefit a year. Those figures only drop to 64% and 48%, respectively, for using at least two different supplemental benefits. It also concluded that dual-eligible enrollees were more likely to live in a food desert, so they are more likely to self-select plans with strong supplemental benefit offerings.”
  • and
    • “Researchers found that once joining Medicare, patients are 50% more likely to get health screenings for breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
    • “Patients with other undiagnosed diseases, such as depression, COPD, type 2 diabetes, lung or prostate cancer, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, are also more likely to discover their condition in their first year of being on Medicare coverage.
    • “The report, by Epic Research, reviewed more than 20 million patients between the ages of 60 and 70 to see whether diagnoses occurred more frequently.
    • “Breast cancer screening rates jump from 15.3% to 30.4%, while colorectal cancer screening rates increase from 4.8% to 11%.”

On a related note, NCQA released its measurement year 2022 Quality Compass for commercial plans, which category includes FEHB plans, on July 28.

Midweek Update

Photo by Michele Orallo on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill —

Roll Call reports

  • “The White House and congressional leaders are discussing the duration of appropriations caps and a debt limit raise as staff talks get underway in advance of the next principals meeting on Friday.
  • “A two-year appropriations deal is under consideration, according to sources familiar with the talks, along the lines of three separate laws since 2015 that were paired with suspensions of the debt limit. 
  • “The White House and top Democrats are pushing for two years of debt limit breathing room, as in the 2019 deal cut with former President Donald Trump. That law contained two years of spending caps, which Speaker Kevin McCarthy pointed out as far back as January.
  • “Such an arrangement would, in theory, remove the threat of fiscal cliffs facing lawmakers and the economy until after the 2024 elections.”

Fierce Healthcare tells us,

  • “The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee convened the heads of three big pharmas—Eli Lilly CEO David Ricks, Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen and Sanofi CEO Paul Hudson—as well as the top brass at the three largest PBMs—CVS Health Executive Vice President and President of Pharmacy Services David Joyner, Express Scripts President Adam Kautzner and OptumRx CEO Heather Cianfrocco.
  • “The legislation on the docket for the HELP Committee aims to inject transparency into the pharmaceutical supply chain as well as increase access to generics. PBM reforms on the table include eliminating spread pricing models as well as clawbacks from pharmacies. * * *
  • “The HELP Committee will convene Thursday to mark up four bills that target drug pricing. Sanders said that while these measures are a priority, there’s more work to be done in addressing this issue. He added that issues with affording drugs are a broader part of the ongoing challenges around affordability in healthcare.”

Tomorrow is the last day of the Covid public health emergency, and today the Department of Health and Human Services posted a fact sheet on how the end of the PHE affects telehealth.

From the Rx coverage front, the Wall Street Journal points out

  • “Advisers to the Food and Drug Administration recommended making an oral contraceptive available without a prescription for the first time, potentially widening access to birth control for women across the country. 
  • “The panel of FDA advisers voted 17 to 0 on Wednesday that there was enough evidence for the agency to approve the medication’s sale over-the-counter. The FDA, which is expected to make a final decision this summer, doesn’t have to follow the expert panel’s advice, though it often does.
  • “The FDA approved the pill, called Opill, for prescription use in 1973. HRA Pharma, owned by Perrigo, a Dublin-based generic drugmaker, submitted its application to make Opill available over-the-counter last July. 
  • “The advisory panel said the benefits of making oral contraceptives available over-the-counter outweighed the risks.”

The cost curve is pointing down.

From the medical research front, the National Institutes of Health updates us on multiple mRNA vaccines that show promise for treating HPV-Related cancers.

From the healthcare quality front, NCQA informs us

  • “We launched our Race and Ethnicity Stratification Learning Network.
  • “The network is a free, interactive, online tool that offers data and best practices to help health plans improve how they collect race and ethnicity data on enrollees.
  • Improving data collection of race and ethnicity data is vital to improving health equity.
  • “The data available in this new resource summarize the care of 20 million people enrolled in 14 health plans that reported results on 5 HEDIS measuresstratified by race and ethnicity.
  • “Best practices we identify come from NCQA’s qualitative interviews of key staff at plans in the learning network.
  • “A report groups our findings in three areas.”

Check it out.

From the federal employment front, the Office of Personnel Management announced

  • released proposed regulations that would prohibit the use of previous salary history in setting pay for federal employment offers. Under the new proposed regulations, federal agencies would not be able to consider an applicant’s salary history when setting pay for new federal employees in the General Schedule pay system, Prevailing Rate pay system, Administrative Appeals Judge pay system, and Administrative Law Judge pay system.  
  • “These proposed regulations are a major step forward that will help make the federal government a national leader in pay equity,” said OPM Director Kiran Ahuja. “Relying on a candidate’s previous salary history can exacerbate preexisting inequality and disproportionally impact women and workers of color. With these proposed regulations, the Biden-Harris Administration is setting the standard and demonstrating to the nation that we mean business when it comes to equality, fairness, and attracting the best talent.” 

Thursday Miscellany

Photo by Josh Mills on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill, the Wall Street Journal reports that “Sen. Joe Manchin, who has been a crucial vote in shaping major pieces of President Biden’s agenda, urged Democratic colleagues to hold talks with Republicans on cutting federal spending, ahead of a summer deadline to reach a deal on raising the country’s debt ceiling.”

From the public health front —

The Wall Street Journal informs us

A larger share of people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer at a younger age and at a more dangerous stage of the disease, a report showed. Doctors aren’t sure why.

The American Cancer Society said Wednesday that about 20% of new colorectal cancer diagnoses were in patients under 55 in 2019, compared with 11% in 1995. Some 60% of new colorectal cancers in 2019 were diagnosed at advanced stages, the research and advocacy group said, compared with 52% in the mid-2000s and 57% in 1995, before screening was widespread.   

Cases and death rates for colorectal cancer have continued a decadeslong decline overall thanks to screening, better treatments and reductions in risk factors such as smoking, the ACS report’s authors said. But the shift of the burden toward younger people and diagnoses at more advanced stages has oncologists on alert. 

“The improvements have slowed, and they’ve slowed because of this opposite trend we’re seeing in young people,” said Kimmie Ng, director of the Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. “More and more are getting diagnosed with cancer that might not be curable.” 

The U.S. Preventive Serves Task Force is routinely reevaluating its 2018 grade A recommendation to screen pregnant women/persons for syphilis.

From the medical device front —

MedTech Dive tells us

  • The number of remote patient monitoring (RPM) reimbursement claims hit a new high in 2022, according to a report by Definitive Healthcare.
  • By November, the volume of claims across the 10 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ codes for RPM was already 27% above the total for all of 2021, adding to the growth seen since the start of 2019.
  • Cardiologists are the main users of RPM devices, with blood pressure diagnoses accounting for more than half of all claims made in 2021. Diabetes, which accounts for 16% of claims, is the next most active area.


Medicare will cover continuous glucose monitors for a broader group of patients, starting in April, according to an updated policy published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 

The policy change included broader language and also came earlier than expected, making it a “welcome surprise,” and could double the market for the devices, J.P. Morgan analyst Robbie Marcus wrote in a research note. * * *

In an earlier draft of coverage guidelines, CMS had suggested covering the devices for people with diabetes who take daily insulin, or who have a history of problematic hypoglycemia. Now, the policy includes people withnon-insulin treated diabetes and a history of recurrent level 2 or at least one level 3 hypoglycemic event.

From the Rx coverage front, the Congressional Research Service issued an “In Focus” report about “Selected Issues in Pharmaceutical Drug Pricing.”

From the healthcare quality front, NCQA posted slides and a recording from its latest Future of HEDIS webinar on February 28.

From the U.S. healthcare business front —

Healthcare Dive relates

  • The Cleveland Clinic reported a $1.2 billion net loss for 2022 as expenses climbed from the prior year. Expenses ticked up in every key category in 2022, including salaries and wages, supplies and pharmaceuticals, Cleveland Clinic’s latest financial report shows.    
  • Cleveland Clinic grew 2022 revenue roughly 5% to $13 billion from the prior year, but didn’t outpace expenses as costs increased nearly 14% to $12.4 billion before interest, depreciation and amortization.    
  • Investment income helped pull the Midwest provider into the red as non-operating losses totaled $1 billion.  


Oak Street Health’s losses grew in 2022 to almost $510 million as the value-based primary care company, which is pending an acquisition by CVS Health, continued to aggressively pursue growth.

In comparison, Oak Street, which operates a network of clinics for seniors on Medicare, reported a loss of $415 million in 2021.

The company opened 40 new centers over 2022 and ended the year with 169 facilities in 21 states, serving some 224,000 patients.

STAT News reports

In what may well be the latest fad in hospital consolidation, two not-for-profit health systems located across the country from one another are seeking to link up — this time, to create a system with roughly $11 billion in revenue.

UnityPoint Health and Presbyterian Healthcare Services announced Thursday they’ve inked a letter of intent to explore a merger. Hospital mergers often involve partners in the same region so they can gain leverage with insurers, but in this case, UnityPoint is in the Midwest, whereas all nine of Presbyterian’s hospitals are several states away in New Mexico.  

The deal illustrates not only health systems’ insatiable desire to get bigger in a tough operating environment, but their evolving strategy for doing so. Antitrust regulators have sunk deals involving partners they said would command too much market share in a given region, so hospitals are doing the next-best thing: seeking partners in far-flung states. 

Healthcare Dive adds

  • Walmart plans to expand its network of medical centers in 2024, including a launch into two new states, as retail health giants race to build out their primary care footprints.
  • The company announced Thursday it plans to open 28 new Walmart Health centers in 2024, bringing its number of total locations to more than 75.
  • Walmart Health will open clinics in Missouri and Arizona for the first time, while deepening its presence in Texas by expanding in the Dallas area and growing into Houston, according to the announcement.