Mid-week update

Govexec.com updates us on the Postal Service’s efforts to pull out of the FEHBP.  Most interestingly, the article reports that “U.S. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro told a Senate committee in February the Government Accountability Office would issue a report on the effects of USPS withdrawing from FEHBP — both on postal workers and the rest of enrollees — in July.”

The ACA regulators today released the final employee wellness program rules with little change from the proposed rule according to this Hill article and the FEHBlog’s quick review.  This rule allows employers to discount premiums by up to 30%  to incent employees to engage in healthy behaviors (50% for tobacco cessation). The rule concentrates on providing a level playing field for all employees in order to encourage participation in these programs. OPM’s budget proposal calls for a change to the FEHB Act in order to implement such premium discount programs in the FEHBP.

The HHS Office for Civil Rights and the National Institute of Standards and Technology recently held its annual conference on HIPAA Security Rule implementation. The presentations made at that conference are available here.