The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight of government management, the federal workforce and the District of Columbia will be holding a Federal Employees Health Benefits Program hearing tomorrow titled “Up, Up, and Away! Growth Trends in Health Care Premiums for Active and Retired Federal Employees.” The hearing begins at 10:30 am in Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rm. 342
According to the Subcommittee, “The purpose of the hearing is to review growth trends in health care premiums under the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program and assess proposals to curb the cost to employees, retirees, and the Federal government as an employer without the loss of service.” The hearing was provoked by a GAO report issued last winter that the subcommittee’s chairman, Sen. Daniel Akaka (D Hawaii) had requested.
The scheduled witnesses are Nancy Kichak, OPM’s Associate Director and Chief Actuary; John Dicken, GAO’s Health Team Director; Steven Gammerino, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Sr. Vice President, National Programs, and Alan Lopatin, NARFE’s Legislative Counsel.